
Erster Weiterbildungsverbund Psychiatry in Rhineland-Pfalz am Start

Erster Weiterbildungsverbund Psychiatry in Rhineland-Pfalz am Start

Mainz/Frankenthal/Mutterstadt. The Praxis for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Mutterstadt and the Stadtklinik Frankenthal have a Weiterbildungsverbund Psychiatrie gründet. Für Ärztinnen und Ärzte in Weiterbildung dieses Fachgebiets stehe is ab sofort offen, wie de KV Rheinland-Pfalz (KV RLP) op Montag Mitteilte. In the Räumen in Mainz, the beteiligten in the vergangen can be that the entsprechende Kooperationsvereinbarung unterzeichnet, so the KV remains. See Montag with Dr. Freia Schneeweis the first Nachwuchsärztin das Angebot.

Normally it is so that the own standard is a station of the Weiterbildung-kümmern, often then the best results in a Klinik-kündigen, one in the Praxis of the Arbeiten – never so sure, as the man in the Anschluss in the Klinik can work, so the KV RLP . “If you have another imagery association, you can now look forward to the Weiterbildungszeit once. Then all stations will insert a new maintenance interval and a break. Here is a rotation plan with the individual basis for more imaging, a flexible form of restoration of the quality of the image”, explains Dr. Nadja Moreno, Leader of the recovery of the KV RLP. If you no longer use the health care, the practice and the practice can be very bad in a Weiterbildungsverbund Vorteile.

Win-win situation for all bets

“It is absolutely important that young students and students learn to work in a practical environment – ​​it is important to know the background of their future health care needs,” says Dr. Matthias Münch, Chefarzt der Abteilung für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie an der Stadtklinik Frankenthal, and with the Verbund that is the Risiko, is one or more other people who can reach and hang up the ambulant people. “We are still active in both sectors, we have our own horizons and improvements within the patient care system,” so Munich.

Also Dr. Christel Werner, who together with Susanne Berger worked in a practice for psychiatry and psychotherapy in Mutterstadt, is an example of the model of the further education association overseas: “The variety of experiences during the einblick in a practice. If you are more than a confidant in the clinic, you can equip our patients and patients. The doctors and doctors in further education are no longer suitable for new ideas and assignment points. There is also a win-win situation for all purposes. ” Berger says: “If someone provides assistance, he can not provide any outpatient outpatient help anyway and does not get along, a definitive practice to make. It is a larger image association with one of the most successful plans for a huge experience. ”

Weiterbildungsverbund als Zukunftsinstrument

Schneeweiß was Werner and Berger’s support for a year, when he went to the Stadtklinik Frankenthal. “The time in practice is the last part of my further education. I am free to do this. It is so nice that the past of the treaties begins with making a good idea, it is so that it is a good structure and that the plan is developed. But it is tol, that now other colleagues and colleges can profit from it”, so Schneeweiß.

After KV-Angaben, the Psychiatry Medical Association is one of the most professional psychiatry associations in Rhineland-Palatinate. Ersten had the Mainzer Gyn-Praxis with the Marienhaus Klinikum Mainz in the Fachgebiet Gynäkologie geschlossen. “We will be very happy with it, we will be able to use it as an essential instrument for our future and it will become a reality in a few years,” says Dr. Nadja Moreno, Leiterin der Abteilung Sicherstellung der KV RLP. . “Because of the efforts we put into practice and clinics in the country, here are many things.” (low tide)