
Enjoy your new Schuljahr! – Lauterach

Enjoy your new Schuljahr! – Lauterach

In all Caritas Learning Cafés a Summer School can be offered – not lessons about learning creative ideas.

In all Caritas Learning Cafés a Summer School can be offered – not lessons about learning creative ideas.

Summer School in the Caritas Learning Cafés

Während tausende Schüler*innen in Vorarlberg in the evenings with their children in their care centers, the children and young people in the Caritas Lerncafés were in the last days: The Summer School was so busy with Spa machen and so there was a break from the program .

Besuch im Lerncafé Lauterach. The new Zeynep has a complete mathematical mathematics worksheet out. The power in the offensive area and if you have a fragment, a learning cafe coordinator can turn tuba Çalım. My Federschacht has a feinsäuberlich putzt neben ihr, all Farben are spitzt and Zeynep frut sich auf das kommende Schuljahr. “For me, I have enjoyed my holidays for a long time and I am here in the Lerncafé”, as the Mädchen with Turkish Ursprung, it would be so pleasant, since they could be present. Lerncafé SommerSchool – it is one of the most popular programs: “Wir were beispielsweise vergangen Woche gemeinsam Klettern, diese Woche ist ein Besuch in der inatura planted”, there are Tuba Çalım and ergänzt, thats as well as other Lerncafes due to creative Angebote, who beispielswei see a Nahwerkstatt or a Vormittag „Philosophieren mit Kindern” for a good combination of learning and holidays. “The wisdom of the learning materials of the lost children is a great light for children and young people with a good start in the autumn,” reads Tuba Çalım. So if you put together a shell in a package with Arbeitsblättern and learning material, you get a soul meal for your money.

Voluntary as a Foundation

The “secret” of the learning cafés is only for the volunteers and practitioners, who spend a lot of time and patience in the learning cafés and who provide valuable support to the students. “Even with all these committed and motivated helpers and helpers, the Summer School would not have been possible in this environment”, while department leader Bea Bröll appreciates the work of the volunteers. “I think I am entitled to all bets for my time, for my know-how and my heart for children’s thanks.”

Of course there is no regular education in the 17 learning cafés of Caritas that we want more often. Interested women and men, the young people in the Zeit and the Wissen in the learning cafés who want to be, a children’s Schulalltag was zu erlechtern, can gladly turn to the Vorarlberger Unterland and Nicole Nachbaur, E [email protected], M 0676-88420 4044, beziehungsweise im Oberland and Denise Zech, E [email protected], M 0676-88420 3014.