
Neuer Leiter Bar & Lounge Outlets in Appenzeller Huus

Neuer Leiter Bar & Lounge Outlets in Appenzeller Huus

Elmir Medunjanins has been around Bar & Lounge-Outlets in Resort Appenzeller Huus in Gonten since September. I was manager of Bar & Lounges in «The Bar and Living Room» of The Chedi Andermatt at the age of 30.

From September, Elmir Medunjan will be in charge of the Bar & Lounge Outlets, which his concept is responsible for in the Resort Appenzeller Huus in Gonten. The Austrian native has made his own name in the Swiss Bars. In the following years, he became manager of the Bar & Lounges in “The Bar and Living Room” of The Chedi Andermatt. He received the designation “Best Hotelbar 2021” at the Swiss Bar Awards.

Look at Exotik, Focus at Regionales
Guided by the regional anchorage of the «Appenzeller Huus», Medunjanin will set with secret Sutates and Themes Accents. If you see, you see everything that is exotic. The “Appenzeller Huus” is one of the best and eighth life-still sales, it may be that our Sober-Signature-Drinks are weiterentwickeln, writes the Betrieb.

Damit has ab the concept of conventional bars – an ansatz, with them sich Medunjanin bereits erolgreich profiliert habe. Frühere Engagements führten in Innsbruck, Berlin, in the Philippines and in Mexico. The Durchbruch is in Oslo on the page of Adrian Michalcik – Träger der Auszeichnung «World’s Best Bartender 2022».

Neues Barkonzept «Botanicum»
Zunächst wird de 30-Jährige in de «Tavern» und den «Schmitte» des Huus Bären seine Ideas einbringen. The work of the Währenddessen is in the hands of Managing Director Tim-Martin Weber and the «Bar Seiner Träume». Medunjanin is ready for your creativity and mixing and will create new mass with the plants «Botanicum»-Bar in «Huus Quell».

For the installation of the «Botanicum» in Gonten, the management has called in the Baragentur «Behind Bars Agency» from Norway in Boot. The Baragentur has the best Bars of the World designs for the Beispiel «Tayēr + Elementary» in London or the «Inside Bar + Lab» in Moscow. The «Botanicum» of the Fünf-Sterne-Hotels Huus Quell im Resort Appenzeller Huus eröffnet in the first quarter of 2025. (mm)