
Deutsche knows HPV, Chlamydien and Co. of course not

Deutsche knows HPV, Chlamydien and Co. of course not


Cologne – 60 percent of 16 years in Germany do not know the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), Chlamydia is unknown to 40 percent of people. The data from the representative of the Federal Center for Health Information (BZgA) has offered Miriam Gerlich a day off at the German STI Congress-proposed.

We can look at the day of HIV and AIDS with 89 percent. Gonorrhea and Syphilis can occur in the 80th period of infection. Spontaneous can not say that the infectious diseases have become much larger. Particulars: When HIV/AIDS 56 percent of people spontaneously einfilelen, war dies for Syphilis and Gonorrhea in a handsome 30 percent of the fall. Chlamydia and HPV can no longer have eleven during the day.

“The new study clearly shows that if there is a suspicion that you are sexually active, an STD potential can occur, there is no anchoring in the population,” says Johannes Nießen, Commissioner Leiter of BZgA.

Screening offers go unnoticed

The cost of the chlamydia test for women has started after 25 years of war only 16 days of the taking. In the Soul group of the 16- to 25-years the Women were the Screening Offer notifications and was accepted: 43 percent knew that.

For the “LIEBESLEBEN Study – Knowledge, institutions and information on sexual health and sexual infections (STI)” that BZgA has provided more than 4,600 people aged 16 with their sexual health and sexual health übertragbaren Erkrankungen befragt in December 2023.

Since the HPV implementation is not so great, it may be that a Drittel der Befragten nicht wussten, that Mädchen a kostenlos HPV-Impfung erhalten können, wussten zwei Drittel der Befragten nicht, das das auch for Jungen gilt.

The mirror is wider in the light of the HPV Impfrate: I was published in 2015 in the Tariff 2022 and 37 Prozent zurückgegaan, wie uit de Vergangene Woche veröffentlicht Arzneimittelreport der Barmer reformorgeht. The Berufsverband der Frauenärzte (BVF) has a different goal for the Impf program Schulen plädiert.

If you buy a house that is used in Germany, it is now half a year since the party started, in the 12 months that you have had sex, if you are on the condom. If you are in a relationship, it may be that you are a sexual partner or a partner. “Then the question of why no condom was used for the protection of STI during last sex, 62 percent of the respondents say ‘I am sure that we are both healthy'”, says Gerlich, Referee in the Referee for Sexual Health, Prevention of HIV and other STDs at the BZgA, the German Medical Journal.

This is so, it is about the gynecological practice of science about the STD tests, so that patients and patients can no longer receive care. “We are back at an information package for medical practices”, so Good at the Congress.

Articles and articles play an important role in sexual health and in the prevention of STI. “Aber die Tabuisierung von STIkracht auch vor ärztlichen Praxen nicht halt”, so Gerlich. Sowohl auf Patients as auch auf Seiten der Ärzteschaft bestünden Unsicherheiten über das Thema zu prechen.

Expansion of knowledge on TikTok

“Nießen from the control of the interests of the STI in the Gesamtbevölkerung-adres of the BZgA is a spezifische young Erwachsene, a sensible choice of the STI for STI-verdeutlichen and about the Offers that will inform the Chlamydien-Screening“, said Nießen.

Provided that different masses are viewed, the BZgA STDs can be used. So beispielsweise with the Influencer Campaign “#WissenWasRumgeht” on Tiktok and Instagram on the Bekanntmachung of Chlamydien, The Campaign has a number of Wissenszuwachs and more clicks on the page geführt,berichtete Gerlich.

Laut Gunda Waldmann from the LMU Munich is the social media for students and students who are looking forward to the latest developments. This inconvenience will occur between November 2023 and February 2024 due to the increased awareness of HIV and AIDS from more than 2,000 students in the past 15 years of uninterrupted school. There are no visible data from Waldmann yet at the STI-Tagung vor. There must be more fraud due to debt as the standard of information technology.

Massefehleinschätzung of HIV and AIDS at Schülern

Darin said Waldmann had a lot of problems or issues with HIV and AIDS. “We were more shocked by these results,” Waldmann said. More than 28 percent of the school people have prepared themselves for the fact that he died with a person with HIV infection, while his toilet too much wollen.

If there is a chance of HIV infection occurring, it is four times more likely that it will no longer be a problem. 30 percent would prefer to have an HIV test at home. The uncertainty about where a test will take place could potentially prevent HIV infection and provide financial support while overcoming the barriers to testing.

Vulnerable Groups and Waldmann have young men, women and students from the Middle School. “We must abolish the entry barriers to the medical system,” says Waldmann. More information must be given to the judge and the investigation into the launch sets will take place and the Hemmschwellen will be removed.

Gezielte Aufklärung von Jugendlichen

A low-key enlightenment tool will acquire the project “Walk In Ruhr” (WIR) in Dortmund. In the interdisciplinary center, the young age of sexual health of some health counselors in one of the cases discussed their problems. If you after the medical treatment of the Hilfe a direct or inner connection to one of the most important terminologies in the center, reports Deniz Durak von WIR.

Zwischen September 2021 und June 2024 seien in einer fourstündigen Sprechstunde pro Woche insgesamt 600 Beratungen durchgeführt be, von denen 471 medizinisch weitergeleitet wurden. If you are aware of the contacts with young people and young people “At events and festivals, there are more than 3,300 discussions over time,” so Durak. © mim/