
«Life Coach» is in Haft

«Life Coach» is in Haft

First of all, there are sacrifices set by each other and the end: A self-assured life with young women in their home in Walldürn in Norden Baden-Württembergs gequält en missbraucht.

Der Richter sprach von “schwersten Verletzungen” bij de Opfern: Einblutungen im Schädel, major flächige Hämatome, teilweise ausgeschlagene Zähne. A self-proclaimed Lebensberater who, after the Überzeugung of the Landgerichts Mosbach in the Zeit from 2019 to 2022, experienced a Frauen mistreatment and error in a house in Walldürn in Norden Baden-Württemberg. A Mann falls into the Opfern.

It focuses on the 38-year-old German roads Geiselnahme, gefährlicher Körperverletzung und Vergewaltigung zu elf Jahren en sechs Monaten Haft. Because this brutal debt burden is not any debt, there is no huge debt burden if there is no debt. Das Urteil is not legal.

Nach Angaben des Vorsitzenden Richters, Michael Haas, bot der Angeklagte als “Life Coach” Online-Seminare und “Seminare zur Persönlichkeitsentwicklung” in his house. “There was no need for support, but there was a lot of follow-up,” says der Richter. The fear has a “frauenverachtende”, a “manipulative character”. When I think what I have thought: “Der Mann führt, die Frau muss das machen, was der Mann sagt.”

Since 2019, the German demnach is the Coaching-Angebote in a house in Walldürn, where the woman is said to be watching. There is a woman with a great power, but women are not able to continue, like Haas. More women see it when they have done something, man has “who in a commune gemeinsam gelebt”. There is sex with coaching possible – and this is recommended.

The fear has grown over time. In 2020, there were drugs consumed, with marijuana, später also LSD and Kokain. The age of 25 is one of the things you can do when you have found a woman – there is a woman who has become self-conscious. There – even German citizens – was given support for support and approval for three years.

In October 2022, there is a chance that one of the following things will be done. During the following night, the tensions in the house and after the exciting party continue. The main cause of a psychiatric disorder is since May 2023 in Untersuchungschacht.

Coaching is not a protected professional designation in Germany. The Cultural Ministry in Stuttgart is part of an interministerial work group with the theme of sects and psychological groups. This requirement is that this is a good qualification or qualification for coaches. Everyone can call themselves a coach. “The success of the coach therefore also depends on his personality and his achievements together,” says Mirijam Wiedemann of the work group. “Support for the pandemic is a high level of personal attention or life coaching. During coaching anxiety, try to stop and process everything on the way to a certain way of life.”

Professional coaching is found in the Rule on Augenhöhe-statt, such as Wiedemann. “Dubious Life-Coach never chose a “Master-Schüler”-inspiration. They were created Universalansprüche and Abdependence-relationships, which with an isolation from the bisherigen social environment a regehen can be.”

Alexander Brungs, former member of the German Coaching Associations, has written an article for the Wirtschaftsmagazine “Business Punk”, which has reached more than 50,000 coaches in Germany who have obtained a qualification candidate. “The rest are not selten Blender”, is what it says. If you are an expert, you can paint Brungs, your eights, a coach and a mediocrity in a professional context. This guarantee is “a best quality level”.