
Boss and SaaS and where banks can make their money

Boss and SaaS and where banks can make their money

Depth of field: Software as a service

Many banks and financial institutions are actively digitizing their processes and banking activities for potential redevelopments. If you file a termination application, you can set up branches so that you can offer an “as a Service” model. While the basic models Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) are offered on the market, Banking as a Service (BaaS) is a newly developed model in Germany. Boris Brandtwirth, Leiter Geschäftsfeldservices at Atruvia, Bernhard Binz, Head of Sales Secure Digital Payments Netcetera and Andreas von Heymann, Geschäftsbereichsleiter Software Marsepein with a message that the previous and nightly financial consequences have had.

by Dunja Koelwel

Mr Brandwirth, Mr von Heymann and Mr Binz, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS): Was this the most important choice before your time?

Boris Brandwirth: SaaS is very light and offers more flexibility in the IT and data processing sector. Digitalization comes with a new challenge, with less workload. If there is no vollumfänglich a feste rechnerkazität or breakchale software, it can have a powerful and efficient operation. As a digitalization partner of the genossenschaftlichen FinanzGruppe, with SaaS solutions ad hoc can call on the possibilities to develop new technology and technology, so that the bank itself can build up a large file and an IT infrastructure.

In a consolidated banking market, the growing institutions can serve the larger institutions more quickly.”

We have shown BaaS that we have advantages for banks. You can bring your services and offers to the market more agilely and quickly. During the initial calculation of the problems, the German exit process was reduced. The standardization in BaaS is so high that the costs and risks decrease.

Bernhard Binz, Netcetera

Bernhard Binz has been alive for 25 years with topics related to business card issuing and acquiring. Bei Netcetera (Website) responsible is the global representative of the Payment & Identity Division. Sein Berufsweg führte in nach een Universitätsstudium in Ingenieursbereich über de Halbleiterindustrie in de Softwarebereich.

Bernhard Binz: The Vorteile von servicebasierten Geschäftsmodelen lie op de Hand: They are possible for the fast and cost-saving implementation of complex Geschäftsanwendungen durch de Integration verschiedener Services von verschiedenen Anbietern.

If you run out of money, you can use a prepaid credit card as a savings card for the legally valid payment arrangement of tax-free payment cards on the market. Thanks to SaaS, the process for KYC (Know Your Customer), the contact and sales department is not new found, which makes one or more special service services possible.

You can improve this service experience by effectively and efficiently utilizing the skills and specific features of the Domain-Know-how. Capital and time investments can be performed and the special service provision can be performed routinely, optimally and cost-efficiently. When you enter the market, it is such that your market introduction is as fast as possible, and that you can buy the factory settings and the market traders.

The efforts of compliance requests can be a motivation for outsourcing a SaaS and BaaS tender.”

There will be warnings for the control and audit of the service on the Auftraggeber zu.

The analogy with the automobilization repair is carried out. Functions and critical components were added and the assembly line was just in time. Der Automobilhersteller specializes in design, final assembly, sales and service.

Andreas von Heymann, message for banking

Andreas von Heymann is a Diploma-Wirtschaftsmathematiker since 20 years ago on msg (Website) in the Banking-tätig Industry. It seems that years are responsible for the Software Product Line Marzipan and gestaltet as Digital Officer on the way to calibrating business models. In this role, the SaaS mail is sent to a message for banking.

Andreas von Heymann: As the best advantages of SaaS and BaaS with time-to-market and flexible availability. A full-service bank is confident that the financial settlement does not take long, and that it does not take longer to complete the bets.

SaaS and BaaS are in reach with high innovations or in the future, in the hands of the Bank it is not possible to differentiate in another market, Advantages.”

Another argument is that the costs of the own IT department in combination with the necessary know-how-aufbau entail costs. Gleiches gilded for the Fachbereiche der Bank.

At best, it can be a strategic sin to buy a complete service package on the market. If you look at the Business page, you can choose: In some cases, users can use API platforms so that they can control the functionality of the specific business processes. SaaS services external IT providers can be optimally linked.

Would you like to use this model in your Borders?

Andreas von Heymann: Technical data cannot be used in Borders – and the best results that will be achieved in the future.

For banks and money lenders it is clear that Borders has been given its own institution by the supervisors and their parents. In a high regular banking business no machine can be used, it would be a golden enterprise for the banks themselves, but also for the IT and service provider.

A good orientation here is another way to use the ‘Aufsichtsmitteilung zu Auslagerungen and Cloud-Providers’“ of the BaFin of February 2024 or of the “Digital Operational Resilience Act” (DORA), of January 2025 binding. My personal opinion is that it is interesting not to cash in on the perspective of the bet. Not for the process of a bank is SaaS or BaaS the best answer – a connection to the Cloud Strategy.

Bernhard Binz: The basis for the BaaS and SaaS model is based on the regulation of the internet connection of the service provider. If this is no longer the case, a problem can occur. The problem in the higher industrial countries cannot be so big that the entwiekeltterritorial area is ended with the bringing of it.

Solche Schnittstellen can be grundsätzlich on the Ziel von Cyberangriffen, if it is a matter of an attempt to go to work, the man in this study is not the only Kompetenz at the Betrieb der Schnittstellen in Bezug on Verfügbarkeit and Datenschutz auch bei moglichen Angriffen zurtraut and there that inherited orderliche Erfahrung mitbringt.

Boris Brandwirth, Atruvia

Boris Brandtwirth is Leiter Geschäftsfeldservices at Atruvia (Website). Brandwirth studies economic mathematics. In the service field lies another business architecture. Zu Brandwirths Schwerpunkten will carry out the realization of IT soul images including the Cloud-Journey of Atruvia.

Boris Brandwirth: SaaS and BaaS solutions are based on all areas and not equipped as a multi-mandant loan. Sprich: If a spezific product is produced, it may be that it is done in the development and that most of the release is new. At Atruvia we can our individual individualization as Low Code an. A natural being is sensible in banking under the supervisor, the security and the data protection of esteem.

Who do you think of Security Thinking?

Andreas von Heymann: The security of SaaS solutions is a critical approach to one of the circumstances in banking. These kinds of things are intended to use the hyperscaler as a manufacturer and provider of SaaS and BaaS solutions.

If you click on the active link in the context of cybersecurity, the fragmentation should be performed, while SaaS solutions are no longer safe as an on-prem engagement model at the local level and the alternative data centers.

The investment activities for the on-prem involvement are huge. Here you can make SaaS-Lösungen an Antwort connection.”

If you want to know that the banks are treating the issues of dating and its security with a higher priority. This message is sent to the group that has engaged the technology partner of the Wahl service, which is engaged in hyperscalern. Souveräne Cloud is one of the stitches here. Researchers can invest in a certificate and element with Security-by-Design with a click on our security processes.

Bernhard Binz: Here again comes the specialization of the service providers to the point. Functions, which for the supply of the common features can cause a marginal issue or a notorious problem, are provided to the essential core for the specialized SaaS/BaaS providers. This follows, when the service offer with the large supply and the hereditary dominant know-how can provide a specific security of data and the data distribution.

Boris Brandwirth: We have used modern technology, have highly specialized and renowned experts for the topics of Security and Regulatory and maintain a tight control with the associated surveillance and security bodies. Public Cloud Provider, which engages hyperscaler, can offer a lot of competition and resources in the form of a solution in the future. During the exponière of low and large numbers, the trends in this area are fresh true.

It doesn’t matter that working with the cloud provider gives you the opportunity to learn.”

Gleichwohl will stop with the Lieferkette in Blick. It will also be permanent in the Sicherheitskette that is involved in and involved in our work in the prevention, treatment and regulation of Cyberangriffen as we move forward.

Was your services separated from your advertisers? Was this a USP?

Boris Brandwirth: As a digitalization partner of the Genossenschaftlichen Finanzgruppe, you know the corporate structure of the Genossenschaftsbanks that develop your private law activities. This is the BaaS Angebot multimandantenfähig. Take a look at the theme since our two dimensions are important: Optimize and automate the big picture with all our skills. Good news since we are aber in the low, in small the Bedürfnisse of round 700 sehr individualellen and dammit heterogeneous Banks zu inherit.

Bernhard Binz: If there is a product or a transaction slip, then this is certainly not the case, it is not a strategic choice, who has a fast delivery of market requests or flexibility of the own properties, who can use the eigenentwicklung / the own property rights of their losers. Here guarantees are given for an unsatisfactory knowledge, a good agile approach and the implementation of a solution for the Nutzung of SaaS that has no influence on the background.

Andreas von Heymann: Our knowledge estimates our industry know-how, combined with our solution competences. If you want Business Value and service to be optimally designed, they become more difficult. Our services are based on large quantities of our own message software products for risk management, regulatory reporting and calculation, which follow their years on the market.

Herr Brandtwirth, Herr Bernhard Binz and Herr von Heymann, thank you for this interview.
