
Weltmeister Herbert mit Vision: Neuer Bayern-Trainer-fabriek Aufstieg in ungeahnte Höhen

Weltmeister Herbert mit Vision: Neuer Bayern-Trainer-fabriek Aufstieg in ungeahnte Höhen

Weltmeister Herbert with Vision
Neuer Bayern-Trainer-Factory Aufstieg in ungeahnte Höhen

Weltmeister-Coach Gordon Herbert will let Bayern Munich play the German Nationalmannschaft in the new Höhen führen. The Basketball Master picks up a few from WM Heroes – and sets up “Schweinen” and “Rennpferden” on special plans.

Now that Gordon Herbert has been in his home in Finland for the last time, the Olympia-Frust gets the support of the World Champion Coach in his new career at Bayern Munich. “There is a war going on, wether anzufangen. The war has started”, says the Kanadier, the most famous ones always more will. It is a fact that the ship Ankunft an der Isar has an ambitious vision of the packaging.

“The Vision, the war that took place in the German league and the Final Four of the EuroLeague”, said it was the Vorstellung. Solche Töne knows man von Herbert, right at his start as Bundestrainer-rief in 2021 three months in three years as Ziel out – and was ridiculed. But still all critical lamps, in EM-Bronze, with WM-Gold an idea and passed for three weeks Olympia-Edelmetall only hauchzart.

So a können sie in Munich is the best thing to eat. The Bayern polls are the years of the European Striker and in the years 2021 and 2022 it is a double German team playing the EuroLeague Playoffs. In the past both Spielzeiten separated those Münchner as Tables-15. der Hauptrunde jedoch clear. It concerns Herbert Andern.

From Schweinen and Racehorses

Der Tatendrang, now with the Bayern Besonderes zu erreichen, war has started with Montag-anzumerks. Ohnehin hatte er Mitte August, nur eight days after the lost Bronze-Spiel in Paris, zu seiner first Trainingseinheit in Munich received, is a woolen beispiel setzen, and they can orient themselves that Spieler. This art of “Commitment” is known to all professionals from the larger Deutschland-Block, on the Herbert full baut.

In Munich, during the 65s, a report to 2026, Niels Giffey and Andreas Obst no longer went to Bayern in the summer of Oscar da Silva and Johannes Voigtmann, the Herbert fell from the Nationalmannschaft and was best known. Lediglich Isaac Bonga goes to EuroLeague rivals Partizan Belgrade. “Es power den Übergang viel lichter”, reported Herbert: “If you want to be able to do things, you better get into the roles. I think it’s a bigger advantage.”

As soon as Herbert sets out, working with the club is “bisschen different” than with a national team, setzt is in Munich for the typical role development. Stichwort: Pigs and Racehorses, Schweine und Racing Horses. “It is so important in Mannschaftssport that the Schweine, the Rollenspieler, no Superstars are wollen”, it is stated: “Aber noch wichtiger ist, that’s the Rennpferde, deine besten Spieler, Schweinearbeit machen.”

Wer in diesem für Bundesliga-Verhältnisse äussersst beautifully setzten Kader in which Rolle fits, Herbert nor nicht zu sagen. Schließlich bleiben ihm noch drei Wochen, bis es wirklich seriousness wird. You will make your debut with Herbert in the Liga-Auftakt against the Niners Chemnitz on September 20. On October 3, Bayern will be brought to the EuroLeague Start of the new SAP Garden by the star ensemble of Real Madrid.