
Etwas müder Start in September – DAX on hohem Level stable

Etwas müder Start in September – DAX on hohem Level stable

CMC Markets: As a day approaches the start of the fierce trade war in Frankfurt in the Tagesverlauf on Wall Street, the roads are closed a little, but no activities are undertaken.

Positiv aber bleibt festzuhalten, dass der Deutsche Aktienindex die Verluste of de beste tradestunde wieder komplett aufholen konnte, was dafür spricht, dass Anleger auch nach der Strong Erholungsrally of more as they Prozent nor kein Grund für Gewinnmitnahmen sehen.

The new All-Zeithoch in the passages which your Hoffnung has made on another ascending course has never begun.

Why is the market reacting so negatively to Nvidia’s strong numbers?

Think of the day when the AI ​​Highflyers Nvidia responds, but the question is whether the market is in the market.

It is not possible to post any more messages, but you can no longer use the cork.

Now that the company itself is in the gold market, it is time to keep the Days and the Weeks separate.

Nvidia Action Chart

Dax with a chance of 19,000

The path of the lighter wider positions is one of the most likely things to ever happen, so if the DAX has a good Chance hat, the biggest damage is 19,000 points over time.

We will also see the position of the EZB if the Fed has a long-term decision-making process for results and the sinking sentiments are fundamentally positive for action.

On September 18, the Fed meeting began with the charge of “Buy the Rumor, Sell the Fact” – Effectively, as the US government got a new phrase and the first few US chips hit the market.

DAX – Interactive Chart