
5 Millions of sisters saving: VW in the Krise: Brechen die Wolfsburger jetzt das größte Tabu?

5 Millions of sisters saving: VW in the Krise: Brechen die Wolfsburger jetzt das größte Tabu?

Volkswagen opts for a tiefgreifen environment, which gets an electric current in Germany. Whoever is the carmaker in the factory, can no longer expand his work in Germany, an ambitious saver for his goal.

The Volkswagen Company aims for 2026 Einsparungen von insgesamt 15 Billion Euros and, with a return on investment of 6.5%. Who that Trade Journal a message from an insider message, all about the core market Volkswagen four billion Euro additionally save. The message from an internal company organization on Monday, at the Group CEO Oliver Blume, has changed the law and the beds in the German Location have become clearer.

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+193.83 %

ISIN code:DE0007664005WKN:766400

A larger part of the savings made during the post-war period was potential for the End of Work in Germany, which could be put to use – a new life in the history of the company.

I think that a large vehicle factory and a component factory are a big problem, which is taken for granted. Laut Handelsblatt could think of a work close to the location in Dresden or Osnabrück. The Betriebsrat can use “erbitterten Widerstand” against the Plane des Vorstands.

Since 1994, the Unternehmensleitung factory has been prevented from maintaining the Job Safety Programme, with the Job Safety Program in place until 2029.

The personal costs of the expenses have risen from 42.9 billion euros in the year 2019 to 49.8 billion euros in the year 2023. The number of employees is also rising and will eventually be more than 680,000.

That VW action, which is a new year in August for a war of 92.20 euros, is more than 1 percent in Plus. With a KGV of only 4 days of the Wolfsburger under the German car manufacturer the most successful enterprise.

Author: Julian Schick, wallstreetONLINE Editorial