
Offenburg Lesson starts at Weinmanufaktur Offenburg-Gengenbach: this is how the Wein Nachrichten der Ortenau

Offenburg Lesson starts at Weinmanufaktur Offenburg-Gengenbach: this is how the Wein Nachrichten der Ortenau

The Weinmanufaktur Gengenbach-Offenburg has started the assembly with the lesson. Jungwinzer Benedikt Vollmer from Ortenberg rechnet mit Einbußen von 40 tot 50 Prozent.

Weil der Frost with the sharp hat of the Reben, and the Pressetermin zum Start der Weinlese dieses this year in Zell-Weierbach, under the oberhalb von Ortenberg statt. “During the period when the Reiner End leader was still developing a trauben,” Florian Streif from the Weinmanufaktur Gengenbach-Offenburg described the assembly as one of the first Weinbaubetriebe Badens with the Ernte hat started.

Dared Benedikt Vollmer (27) for his Reben in the presentations of Ortenberg. Around 800 kilos of grapes of the sort Müller Thurgau is with his brother David and the Helfern read in the morning. The sort Findling is one of the experiences. If the main house is a part/end of the week, you can look Vollmer in the Zukunft. Still in this week the Lese for the Sektgrundwein an.

Quality is good

75 to 80 Oechsle hat der Jungwinzer in signals Reben memesen. “Der Spätfrost in April has affected a number of lives”, bilanzierte is the season. 40 to 50 Prozent Einbußen erwartet Benedikt Vollmer in diesem Jahr. “The quality of the wine is not good, it is really beautiful.” Now we enjoy the wine manufacturing industry with a golden autumn with sunny weather and warmer temperatures.

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Schon jetzt in den Weinbergen für den Neuen Wein geerntet, der jetzt in dieser im Handel sein and überregionale marketing wird,berichtetete Streif. It has been noted that it has become a new faith. “It depends on the white background,” it is clear. On 28 Grad im Schatten it was only slightly engraved on the summer chorle as on Zwiebelkuchen and Neuen, ergänzte Vollmer.

Don’t bite hail

Not a single type of wine has struck the Frost-gleich heart. „Müller Thurgau is a fall, Grauburgunder and Riesling since we arrived again“, there will be a lot of people, who will be happy with it. Also, the new Piwi-Sorten der Marke “Herz und Hand” sees great benefits from frost changes. It was the first time these years read for the “Satin noir”. It was a great war that the Jungwinzer became in the Night on Montag, “we have had enough now, so that no hail will come,” Vollmer looked at the Sturm zurück.

Benedikt Vollmer is back in a young team of teams. “The power Spaß and the man can go on the Zukunft Bauen,” says an experienced fellow of the young Kellermeisterin Nicole End. Leader würden trotzdem noch Winzer fehlen, soft drink Flächen im Weinberg brach lie müssten. “Wir versuchen, sie trotzdem zu pflegen. “Aber der Wald will make sure you get it quickly,” Vollmer brand. “It is important to know that the winzer will be able to buy from the region and the region will be able to buy it,” it is a great success. There has been some time with Freude on the new wine production building, in November the time has come.

A Bildergalerie can be found at with code 362B3.