
Pünktlich zu Schulbeginn – Wiedereröffnung: A großer Bahnhof für Wampersdorf

Pünktlich zu Schulbeginn – Wiedereröffnung: A großer Bahnhof für Wampersdorf

The Wampersdorf railway station would continue to promote politics on September 2 for two years. Christopher Seif, Press Speaker of the ÖBB, has informed the names of the Austrian Federal Railways of the Festgäste.

The Geschäftsbereichsleiterin der ÖBB Infrastruktur AG, Christina Rebernik, thanked in her speech for the good results of all efforts: “I am free, since the opening of the Mobilitätsdrehscheibe at Wampersdorf Bahnhof, since I have started the project and will be able to complete it”, s Agte Rebernik.

If you are sure that the work and the Pottendorfer line started in the summer of 2014, the following happened: “We are not finished yet. And the next years will start with the Wiener Neustadt Civitas Nova stop and their next year will start with the attractiveness of the Wampersdorf – Ebenfurth line begins, we will also hear the Pottendorf-Landegg station.”

Bürgermeister Thomas Sabbata-Valteiner (SPÖ) took note of the comments, regarding the long Wartezeit für the new Bahnhof hindunzuweisen: ‘I was in 1986 as 12 years ago with the Eröffnung des alten Bahnhofs in Wampersdorf and can remember who the Bahnhofsvorstand Hans Leopold damas meinte, dass die Pottendorfer Linie kaal ausgebaut sein würde.”

Sabbata-Valteiner expressed his criticism in the long term with: “It has been 36 years since the Bahnhof Wampersdorf has done new work. Before 15 years was started, the Lärmschutzwände in Pottendorf was opened. If you have a passive passion in the next 3 years, it is worth immersing the Baufortschritts in the verdupling. If you want to see the natural nature, you can take a look at the Ortsbild and the enormous infrastructure at the Bahnhof in Pottendorf-Landegg. “

In further analyses, Landtagsabgeordneten Hubert Keyl (FPÖ) and Christoph Kainz (ÖVP) have made the choice to use all beteiligten and betonten, while Australian construction seems to us a great way to be more attractive to my machine.

Among the Fest guests were members of the SPÖ-Klubobmann Hannes Weninger, Ebreichsdorfs Bürgermeister and Landtagsabgeordneter Wolfgang Kocevar (SPÖ), Landtagsabgeordneter Peter Gerstner (FPÖ) and the Bürgermeister Michael Lampel (SPÖ) from Neufeld, René Klimes (PUL) at Blumau Neurißhof and Thomas Jechne (SPÖ) from Mitterndorf as well as from the Obmann der Kleinregion Ebreichsdorf Otto Strauss.