
Die Höhle der Löwen 2024: Startups, Produkte & Sendetermine

Die Höhle der Löwen 2024: Startups, Produkte & Sendetermine

One of the best changes is the Rückkehr zweier “Ur-Löwen”: Judith Williams, the expert in beauty products, looks at a break back. And Jochen Schweizer and Frank Thelen became an anniversary party as guest investors. Both have the show in the years when they were much bigger and became in the following four years the staff of their comeback feiern. The large investment group has a great chance for personal growth with Carsten Maschmeyer, Ralf Dümmel, Dagmar Wöhrl, Nils Glagau, Janna Ensthaler, Tijen Onaran and Tillman Schulz.