
Mögliche Werkschliessungen in Deutschland und Ende der Job-Garantie

Mögliche Werkschliessungen in Deutschland und Ende der Job-Garantie

Europe’s largest car group is in the crisis, for all core markets VW. Management has achieved enormous cost savings, the returns are there – and first think of the unthought.

Dark clouds over the Volkswagen headquarters: at the Restructuring of the VW Marke companies in Wolfsburg, the Tabus is more.

Dark clouds over the Volkswagen headquarters: at the Restructuring of the VW Marke companies in Wolfsburg, the Tabus is more.


In Wolfsburg, the Spatzen schon seit Weeks of the Dächern, that the Low at VW is becoming increasingly more precarious. Now the criticism of the core market of the Volkswagen groups, such as Audi, Škoda, Seat, Cupra and Porsche, who are often looking.

When cleaning, it is wise to use the tabus more. Group manager Oliver Blume and brand manager Thomas Schäfer were the first to Schliessung one of the employees in Germany and who wanted the Job-Garantie-kündigen. These mass products are an insult and a shock for the strong company resigner in the group.

Konzernchef Blume gibt Marken Renditeziele vor

An official contract remains due to the group and the brand until Monday. More reports on internal messages and reactions to the company’s activities. At an information department of the management in the Messezentrallager of the municipality of Isenbüttel, west of the Wolfsburger Zentrale, the group manager Blume has made the new attempts for one more Sparkurs.

The economic parameters are still new, a new impulse in Europe and the standard Germany loses a legal power, so that Blume is said. In this environment the company must take the following action. Concrete numbers are not publicly available. Some media report that the Mark VW saves 4 to 5 billion euros more money if it is planted, one of the costs that you have to make.

Blume had set all group marks for yield in the last year, which are due by 2026. Before the core mark sees it, it gets more ambitious. If you have money left for 10 billion euros, there is an employee of 6.5 percent achieve. In 2024, half year was now at a meager 2.3 percent. Quickly all other group marks lie about the time of Marge von VW.

Many exogenous and endogenous problems

Die Gründe für die Krise may not be so good. In Europe, car sales lie below the level, which will lead to war due to the Corona pandemic. It is the largest European car repairer in the Stärksten. This means that the economic environment in the German homeland in the lost quarters is always strong.

Volkswagen put Blumes Vorgänger Herbert Diess on the E-Mobility. If you notice here, you can give a short German hint about the history of the journey. Dazu hat in Deutschland is beigegetragen, the Regierung-kurz for the annual über nacht all subsidies for electric cars strichtde hat.

In addition, there are many big problems. The problem with electromobility is that it is not going well. It is delighted with digitalization and software development. If VW does not want to operate on the market in China during the month, it is also possible in the US to operate in the US with a secret foreign offer.

The electric car is sold on the Chinese market, but that trend is a Volkswagen model that never has an attractive model in its portfolio. Unter Konzernchef Blume wird dem Vernehmen nach schon long von einem Sanierungsfall geprochen, de Vorgänger Diess hinterlassen habe.

Bisher has neither Volkswagen in Germany nor a Work geschlossen. It is possible that you do this. Finanzalytiker hatten früher immer wieder smaller Standorte wie Osnabrück and Dresden as possible Schliessungsziele generated. Darüber will die the Unternehmen by the Job Guarantee, which is not gilded in its own right nor bis until Jahr 2029. The situation would last too long and no longer result in cost savings, so VW Marketing Chief Thomas Schäfer had prepared himself.

Gewerkschaft kandigte Gegenmassnahmen an

The Betriebsratsvorsitzende Daniella Cavallo can in an interview interested Widerstand der Gewerkschaft an. If this happens, it is not that standby positions are being ben. The management has caused a number of false errors over time. There are hybrid models and powerful battery-electric motors.

Bisher hat bei VW de Leitlinie is good, the new Stellenabbau is part of the demographic Entwicklung with the Abfindungen die Frühpensionierungen abzufedern and dabei ohne betriebsbedingte Kündigungen auszukommen. This milder form of restoration is now no longer possible. Volkswagen hat weltweit bovine 680 000 Mitarbeiter, davon etwa 120 000 in Deutschland.

Tomorrow, Finanzvorstand Arno Antlitz will release the messages together with Markenchef at a Betriebsratssitzung with the Mitarbeitern ruling. This information is written by Cavallo, which is also reflected in the Verhandlungen.

You can contact the Frankfurt Economic Correspondent Michael Rasch on the platforms X, Follow Linkedin and Xing.