
Ringerriege Einsiedeln strives for the Playoffs and – Einsiedler Anzeiger

Ringerriege Einsiedeln strives for the Playoffs and – Einsiedler Anzeiger

Vorschau zum Saisonstart der Swiss Wrestling Premium League – Auf der Einsiedler Ringmatte regiert die Vorsicht

Start with the Ringerriege Einsiedeln of the NLA-Mannschaftsmeisterschaft. You can see the qualification of the play-offs as the result of the match. Dorthin will Einsiedeln who in the last years come.

It became the last year for a magical night at the three-day square – a night to never forget. The Ringerriege war begins at the fourteenth square. 34 years have begun to the role of the Underdogs in the bronze medal after a passionate search for the fans. They are scared, litten and schluckten leather, as Freiamt Pascal Strebel and Randy Vock an unsatisfactory patzten. One of the ways you can make a punk is more on the account. If you are a man, with the prognosis, who is taken seriously, the bare paper is one of the things that it has become. And yet you want to know more about these feature films. I sport as a form of form. Experts step on the plan, verheissen, that is a good idea. It was a herauskommt, it is often the case that the Stimmengewirr in Turmbau zu Babel falls. Wieder mit Überraschungen?

In reality, the Ringerriege Einsiedeln function ensures that the «Holz» stored hat is removed from a Medal «gezimmert». You can also help other NLA clubs with Kriessern, Willisau and Freiamt with Fug and Recht von sich behaupten. It will not take long before Schattdorf and Oberriet experience an overrun of time. Interesting mastery But even these unbeatable odds make the mastery exciting. Competition believed the business and at the same time confused the forecasters, who would rather have had, when now a Team Favorite is true. While in those years man has a bit of a great machine, in the overload of the (Zuschauer-) Leben, which is affected by the trainer of the voices and differences Art von Auswirkungen führen.

For Einsiedelns coach Urs Bürgler who is sitting on the paper, verglichen with the previous one, was not so noticeable. «Kriessern, Willisau and Freiamt are favorites for the Meistertitle. Continue writing the platz on the realität nicht verlieren.» Trotz dieser Aussage steht fest: With the commitment of the brothers’ duo Stone and River Perlungher has become more efficient. Hinzu kommen nor the two Austauschringer Damian von Euw (Brunnen) and Jan Faller (Sense). Let the man with the jobs make the rings of a conzession and abgebeb the “Tauschringer”.

The einsiedler has won the bronze medal in the contrahenten, which provides the response. It takes a few years for a treppchen effect to occur. Trainer Urs Bürgler avoids it after Possibility, while he continues to look ahead, and propaganda prefers, one match after the other are taking.

Looking forward to winning The Ringerriege-Ausgabe 2024 will be a different experience as the best of the last few years were defeated, but in the qualifying hunt for great power. Citizens’ answer: «With their new ones wanting to live their life, Ringers can live with their lives.» Einsiedeln is in der Lage, jeden jeden bestehen zu können, de nötige Qualität dazu sollte eigentlich vorhanden sein. Make sure you still can’t make money by not offering a great top-up alternative. If Urs Bürgler fragmented a rank soul, it won’t last long. «That is unnützes Sow. Wir wollen natürlich jeden Match gewinnen, Niederlagen plant du nicht. We can win a medal, after we win the Play-offs. There are a few things you have to do when you change the factory settings. » It is said: «We are always looking for the best product to bring to the mat. » Finally, the succession is fought. The highest command is the best improvement. Let the Ringer work.

Most things that happen in the season are the winner of the Bronze Medal. In the Mannschaft and in the Umfeld there is talk of optimism. The positive part of the application is for the citizen who precedes. «Wir haben das erreicht, was ich erwartet habe.» It is possible to see the role of a role in the diesjährige Meisterschaft. If the man in the Playoffs wants that, the Mannschaft von Beginn will be away with a good Leis-tung. It is a moment when you can no longer swim. The einsiedler ringtone is as simple as a punk who can give a heart under the belt. It is worth thinking about how higher the teamwork is and how more teams have to do it. Undescribed is a house in a house that is not in trouble, if it is a public if the motivation to work can.

Auftakt gegen Schattdorf Bereits zum Auftakt am Samstag wartet auf Einsiedeln eine een schwieerde Aufgabe. Gegner is not a Geringer like Schattdorf. The wollen wollen after the gelungen provisioning that eventually became a fact in the Play-offs, were during the reach of the Möglichen liegt. Particularly in the weight of the kilos, Schattdorf is stark einzuschätzen. The Einsiedler ringer can no longer be beat, but it is no longer used. In recent years, these investments can be made with ease.

Those who play with the Zweiter Mannschaft in the last three years will play part of a Zweiten Mannschaft in the first League. The young Ringer in the first line Wettkampferfahrung sammeln können. Einsiedeln in the Gruppe Ost auf Winterthur, Oberriet-Grabs 2, Kriessern 2, Weinfelden 2, Schattdorf 2, Rapperswil-Jona and Tuggen 2.

Photo: zvg