
La Ola, but beware!

La Ola, but beware!

Last Tag in Paris!

Where is the time? Gerade has started first, it will be a question of wieder nachhause tomorrow. A week in Paris is who in the Flug vergangen. It is so that there is something wrong with the fact that it is a cool solution that you need.

It may be that it is a breakfast at 6:30 and 7:15 by metro on the way to the triathlon. If we are really geschlafen, there is war, if we go by metro to the highway, nor a long way in our opinion.

It is not that the pressure on the press is abolished, but it is a fact that the war has not really ended. Immersion in the war is a war and the dying of the sun. The race went over the stage, our Florian Brungraber hollowed out silver – so I dared not experience a medal win live.

After a community interview in the Mixed Zone forces will be once in the press center and our night drive. While the were ready, two colleagues force themselves and I back to the hotel. I am a real dog and am after the long metro trip – I have a big calcified and an unnoticed problem on the 20 stations driven (beim Hinweg was nice or something) – really of beensen ends light in your lies.

Fascination Blind Football and the victory over La-Ola-Welle

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Spectacular images! 2024 Paralympic Games officially recognized

If I wait and start at 16:30, I can pack my suitcase, so I go along the Wehmut. I have had such a long time that I have experienced this week, and it is a matter of fun as a Wimpernschlag with anyone.

If we can now say that it is a damned horny week with a wonderful war, thanks to an ÖPC for the power and the cool collegen, with the in the last days really an extreme Gaudi hatte. I made the trip to get an ​​​​underemted power.

An impudent power is fast as one of the 18 hours on the road in a bar located nearby, a nogmal with a beer or an aperol-gemeinsam isammensitzen zu können. The end of the game is the blind football game in France and Brazil. Blindenfußball sounds really absurd, I could not but imagine.

Honestly I have to say, that I never found the game so exciting. If the player stops sharing his money, he will never see again, and now there are other communicants and the commands of his guide to play, war is in the stadium still the most beautiful time. If someone is once in a football stadium with the fight against the war, it is a real stop in the comparison.

A war that is ended is a fact, because all Brasilia hats are technically really characteristic. If you want to leave a man, then still in one of the four games in the field. The Tormänner were no longer a nuisance. If you take the position, you stop once more if you are a field player.

Leiwand war, dass die Fans im fast volen Stade Tour Eiffel irgendwann in Hälfte zwei (a Halbzeit dauerte 15 Minuten, durch regularly Unterbrechungen unterm Strich aber eh fast 45) a classic La-Ola-Welle energies, die nur laut war, wenn gerade aine Spielunterbrechung war. It was a really cool war. De Kulisse never really thought the Eiffel Tower was genius.

One last time Austria-House

A matter that was extremely missing is the Austrian House, where they were given a second chance. A last Essen played a blind football match, which made the war in the stadium really chaotic. Normal tax is a middle way of its own, which is not (probably). Every time we fragment a volunteer, we face another answer. Eh leiwand.

Florian Brungraber’s Medaillenfeier has reached its past. In Essen in the Österreich house the middle classes were now no longer in the halbe Mannschaft, and it is more fun to play a Boccia-Match with a bet of the ÖPC media team (die zwei is really the best – nicht in Boccia, wohlgemerkt). If you know that it is a fulminante panic, the war is really so scary. Tatsächlich is one of the 9:10 geschlagen – der Sand war guilt.

Then it is such that we go to the hotel, which of course not only works with the Kellnerinnen and Kellnern vom Modul Wien, but that it is not hungry or expensive to stay.

Tomorrow it will be after Versailles, we will see Reiter in Einsatz since. A danach tatsächlich schon wieder am Flughauen *seufz*. Oh, Paris, who was I missing?