
Herbstliche Events in Österreich: 7 festliche Almabtriebe

Herbstliche Events in Österreich: 7 festliche Almabtriebe

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Herbstliche Events in Österreich: 7 festliche Almabtriebe
The most festive decorations were put on at the Almabtrieb. © Manngold/Imago

My summers started in Österreich, the Zeit, in the Tiere von der Weide ins Tal was brought. In the regions of Tyrol, the Almabtrieb started with Festlichkeiten.

At the Almabtrieb the traditional tradition of herbs was brought to the Valley. Everything in Tyrol is celebrated in September and October during the festival in the Almabtrieb. Whoever has a holiday in Austria, may experience a similar Almabtrieb. Tyrol is a great travel destination in the summer and the herbs.

Almabtrieb in the Brixental

In the Hohe Salve region, the big Almabtrieb in the Brixental is the highlight. The Traditionsfest takes place in Hopfgarten, Kelchsau and Itter. Both start the region grow and start in Abend. This “Tiroler Abend” takes place on September 27 at 20:30 in the Veranstaltungszentrum Salvena statt. The own Almabtrieb took place on September 28 at 9 o’clock statt. Hunderte Rinder wanders through the Kelchsau and the big tents to Hopfgarten and Itter. Dabei finds a traditional farmers market with products from the regiostatt.

Alpine farm in the Kufsteinerland

I am Kufsteinerland in the Almabtrieb and more dates celebrated. Am 14. and 21. September in Thiersee and am 12. October in Ebbs. Both terms start at 11 o’clock on the Dorfplatz Landl. Once the music has started, this is a concert by the German Bundesmusikkapelle. In Ebbs it is 13 o’clock loose. This was done by keine Rinder, son of Pferde – genauer gesagt Junghengste – feierlich geschmückt ins Tal brought.

Almabtrieb at the Achensee

Almabtrieb at the Achensee
The Almabtrieb goes directly to the Achensee. © Shotshop/Imago

At the end of September, the Kühe was brought to the Achensee ins Tal region. Am 18. September from 10 am the Almabtriebsfest in Pertisau at Hotel “Das Rieser”. At 14 o’clock you will arrive at the Tiere von der Falkenmoosalm in Achenkirch. We will welcome you again on 20 September from 11 am. Then the Rinder von der Gramai Alm nach Pertisau will be obtained. If you want to make a frühschoppen with live music and Bauernmarkt, there is no hut on the Gramai-Alm.

Der dritte Almabtrieb will take place on September 21 at the Dorfplatz in Wiesing im Inntal statt. At 11 a.m. a music band plays and at 2 p.m. the Kühe comes.


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Almabtrieb in the Alpbachtal

The Alpine Triebration in Reith in the Alpbachtal will be held during two terms: between 21 and 28 September, starting at 10 am. At the Volksfest there is a Handwerkermarkt, Bauernmarkt and a musical Unterhaltung. At 12 o’clock we will see the local Rinder durch den Ort.

Alpine farm in the Wildschönau

I had a great experience on September 21 during the Almabtrieb in Auffach. Über 500 geschmückte Kühe seehen from 11:30 am onwards. The party starts at 10 am with a craft and hardware store on the Parkplatz of the Schatzbergbahn in Auffach.

Almabtriebe in the Imst region

The major highlight in the region On September 8 it is time for “Schafschied in Tarrenz”. While the Almabtrieb – who is the name said – keine Kühe, son der Schafe and his Lämmer von der Alm ins Tal were brought. Rund 1000 Tiere siehen dann ab etwa 13 Uhr durch die Straßen des Ortes. Weitere Almabtriebe gibt es noch am 1. September in Nassereith and 7. September in Roppen, jewelry from 10 Uhr.

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Almabtrieb in Finkenberg

Also in Finkenberg there are two mountain bike trails in the focus. Stattdessen was founded on September 14 at 10 am at the Bergschafe und Tiroler Haflinger (also Pferde) of the Berliner Hütte ins Tal. The cattle 400 Tiere anyway ihre Begleiter has come a long way to see: approximately sieben dauert der etwa 35 Kilometer long March. This starts at 11 a.m. at Dornau Festival with Tanzmusik en Zillertaler Spezialitäten. The Tiere was then given at 1:30 PM. The Zillertal is an unreliable place in the Almabtrieb, a belief in the Urlaubs region in Österreich. (begin)