
Round 400 Quereinsteiger starting at Schulstart in the Southwest

Round 400 Quereinsteiger starting at Schulstart in the Southwest

Primary school

Go to the Grundschulen in the Land that starts with the beginning of new debts and debts in the class. Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

If you take the trouble to use the Lehrermangel in the southwest of the lindern: Start with new debts in the southwest and start with the start of first life questions or Lehramtsstudium and Allen Schularten. Who has the Kultusministerium mitteilte, starts with 400 Lehrkräfte in sogenannten Direkteinstieg and the Schulen in Baden-Württemberg.

The Quereinsteigerinnen and Quereinsteiger come from our uninterested professional groups and climb to the new school year directly into the training. Parallel to the fact that they have been following a qualified qualification and learning process for years, the end of the study has been reached with a long training with a suitable study program. If you want to wait for a year, you can leave the Ministerium unanswered.

Directors started at the gymnasium and an SBBZ

With the Quereinsteigern will conquer the land of the Lehrermangel in the South West. The beginning of the failures of Schuljahres were 565 Lehrerstellen unbesetzt, im Vorjahr were sogar 890. Für Grundschulen und de Secundarstufe 1 wurde der Directe Instieg bereits zum vergangen Schuljahr eingeführt. The new debt will start on September 9 at grammar school and secondary school.

Most direct contributors start following the ministry and committing the debts. Dort start zum neuen Schuljahr 236 Lehrkräfte. The Sonderpädagogische Bildungs- und Beratungszentren (SBBZ) proposes the country 59 Fachlehrerinnen and Fachlehrer who technical lehrkräfte een, hizu kommen 15 wieschaftliche Lehrkräfte for Sonderpädagogik. One of the Gemeinschafts-, Real-, Haupt- and Werkrealschulen starts at 46 Quereinsteigerinnen and Quereinsteiger. In the Grundschulen it is 30th and the Gymnasium 12th.

«Wichtige Stellschraube zur Sicherung der Unterrichtsorgung»

“Direct management is not one of the most important institutions for the educational organization”, says the State Secretary of Volker Schebest (CDU). The biography of the questions is clear, there is a chance of a further development böte. His Green Collegian Sandra Boser concreted: “Direct instructions are an important task for our debts. The large treasury of the new won credits is based on debts and offers all new insights.”

Please note that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must follow the SBBZ. “The direct instructions are an unanswered task, which offers a goal and one of the school images for children and young people with a different path to safe solutions,” he says.