
Self-blame for Azubi-Mangel? Gen Z has no desire for the world anymore

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Coffee making, cooking: Azubis müssen zunehmend Aufgaben, die nicht zu ihrem Job heard. Was since that Gründe dafür?

If I collect an Azubi in a solar energy bet for a year, war will soon break out. Statt einer Solaranlage is an Ikea-Schrank zusammen. If the Grund fragments, you say: „Typische Azubi-Arbeiten“. It is clear that in Germany it is so that more is viewed, as far as a turnaround is concerned.

Zahl der Azubis, die ausbildungsfremde Tätigkeiten ausüben müssen, erreicht “Höchststand”

It was more like you heard the next Auszubildende (15.3 Prozent) muss “immer” or “häufig” Aufgaben erleden, the end of the end of the Ausbildung. This message was published on August 22 from the Jugendorganization des Deutschen Gewerkschaftsbundes (DGB-Jugend) and the DGB in Frankfurt, where the war took place.

More than 10,000 Auszubildende were reported in the 25 highest Ausbildungsberufen. In the 2022 report, it is time for the payments, the released Tätigkeiten have increased more than 2.6 percent of the time. A “new high” is stated in the report.

Chefs long for delicious dishes, that is Kaffee Kochen and Putzen

When the decommissioning of the Tätigkeiten acts, there is a slightly qualified upbringing or routine action. “I think my life started at a different time, but that is not the case with my view of what I have done,” writes an interested Bauzeichnerin in the online discussion forum “Dr. Azubi” of the DGB-Jugend. “Baustellenfahrzeuge saubermachen, Wohnmobile putzen, de Müll dauerhaft rausbringen, Pflanzen gießen, Kaffee kochen”, see below.

Please take care of the consequences, then wait for the chef to be punished. Zum Beispiel has more options, the Müll awayzubringen. Ihr Chef habe sie daraufhin gezwungen, den Müll mit nach Hause zu nehmen or der zu schauen, whom sie mehn bekomme away.

Women with Bauplänen auf der Baustelle
This is the moment when the Baustelle is shown: the Tagesablauf an Azubi. (Symbolbild) © Imago/Science Photo Library

DGB-Bundesjugendsekretär erklärt, warum Betriebe ausbildungsfremde Tätigkeiten fordern

Who can it be that he will somehow live with Auszubildenden herrschen in the year 2024? Darin said that the loyalty to the Betriebe was, thinks Kristof Becker, Federal Youth Secretary of the DGBs. “If people find, who should make an Ausbildung, they misuse this illegal as cheap labor forces,” Becker said at a press conference on August 22 on Nachfrage von BuzzFeed News Germany by IPPEN.MEDIA.

At the same time, “the cry of the workers”, who found no find, was still lauter. “That is not possible together”, said Becker at the height of the so-called professional laborers’ quarrels. It must be said that arbitration “can terminate a right and a decision and solve your financial problems”.

This is an article from BuzzFeed News Germany. We are a part of IPPEN MEDIA-Network. Here is all the Beiträge von BuzzFeed News German.

Maler-Azubis is my biggest problem

Not all branches are affected: Both the angehenden Maler and Lackiererinnen must fast 38 Prozent häufig ausbildungsfremde Tätigkeiten erleden. Danach follows Friseurinnen and Friseur in der Ausbildung (29.7 Prozent). Days on which most banks are shifted (now rund sechs Prozent). If you experience high engagement, you will also be affected to a small extent.

The problem is solved by the DGB-Jugend, the problem is that the Tätigkeiten are not learned. When the cases are gone, it can no longer be so. The Auszubildenden may well be später with excessive problems or it is not at all so that it is in the report.

The DGB Youth has removed the control roles in the Ausbildungsbetrieben, and by Kammern. If you don’t have the bisher paintable sets, you will be able to purchase them without additional support. When serious cases occur, the workbench for serious sanctions is severe. Zum Beispiel kan Ausbildern ihre Ausbildungsberechtigung entzogen.