
Cannabis Legalization: Polizei Osthessen zwischenbilanz

Cannabis Legalization: Polizei Osthessen zwischenbilanz

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Fulda
Cannabis Legalization: Polizei Osthessen zwischenbilanz
Besitz, Anbau and Konsum von Cannabis quickly came from the Monaten to the Fulda region. The police in Osthessen sees a first bilanz.. (Symbol photo) © / ststoev

Possession, construction and consumption of cannabis have quickly changed from money to a best preliminary set-up leave. The police check the region and see a first Bilanz. Also in schools is the legalization topic. The teacher is set on prevention and clarification.

Fulda – Cannabis smoking is a quick way to make money in many parts of the world, it is a pleasure to consume and grow. The police monitor its operation, while the rules for cannabis use are determined.

Cannabis legalization: Verstärkte Kontrollen und Schulen und in der Innenstadt

From April to the end of June, the road traffic in Ostthessen is more than 110 traffic control regulations, so the Police. “Of course it is true that the Kindergarten and Playgrounds are in the Bereich von Schulen, so that the children can find the Einhaltung der Vorschrifts zu überwachen,” said Patrick Bug, Pressesprecher des Polizeipräsidiums Ostthessen. More than that, they are also within the city limits – these are more important.

Denn: Im Bereich von Schulen, Kitas, Spielplätzen und öffentlichen Sportstätten ist der Cannabis-Konsum in a Radius von mindestens 100 Metern vom Eingangsbereich verboten. In Fußgängerzonen, 7 a.m. and 8 p.m. are not separated. This is the Konsum in unmittelbare Nähe von Lessjährigen verboten. In road traffic there is a limit of 3.5 Nanograms of THC per Milliliter of Blut not overloaded – that is 0.2 Permille Alcohol.

The Police spoke of a “minor impact on the consequences”. There is no cannabis hotspot in Osthessen. Those who are much more will be affected by the cannabis law on April 1, but the police may also not have been affected. “These days, since the time of day is not valid, that is the basis for the reporting process, so that we can take care of the situation,” Bug explains. There is a spicht van derzeit polizeilich registrations of Straftaten in a number of Swiss areas.

The cannabis checks at the police in East Thesse have included Bug in the service with a service. There is a big chance that it will not work.

Kaum Verstöße in der Gastronomie

Auch bei Gastronomen ist der Umgang with Cannabis Theme. Betreiber von Gaststätten, Biergarten, Raucherkneipen and Clubs can select their cannabis ink cartridges individually, or in the Raucherbereichen, Biergarten and Terraces their bets are won. “The theme is alive in our country. It is worth following the gesetzliche arrangement, the gastronomy in your Sinne umsetzt. Some cannabis consumption is prohibited, others prohibited. There is no bisher nor keine Discussions,” says Andreas Jahn, Principal of the Kreisverbands des Deutschen Hotel- und Gaststättenverbands (DEHOGA).

In the Landgasthof “Zum Stern” in Poppenhausen, the Jahn himself is concerned, the Rauchen von Joints in Außenbereich is prohibited. If you use a few words in the beer garden, you can consume cannabis, while the DEHOGA-Kreisvorsitzende never had a party. Auch von Gastronomie-Kollegen has Jahn noch keine Verstöße gegen Verbote des Cannabis-Konsums in der Gastronomie mitbekommen.

This is the Ordnungsamt and the city police who carry out regular inspections in the Fuldaer Stadtgebiet in April. “With the bisher durchgeführten Kontrollen, a small Anzahl would be a Verstößen festgestellt, which would be achieved with a Bußgeldverahren,” says Johannes Heller, Pressesprecher der Stadt Fulda, on Anfrage. Since there was a tax in the Innenstadt, illegal things were done in the area, but there was a good chance that the expenditure could no longer continue, so we move on.

I am Blickfeld from the Kontrollen and I am starting with the Debts in the Circle. Dort ist das Rauchen und das Mitführen von Cannabis trotz Legalization verboten – zomindest for minor Schüler. Marion VanCuylenburg, Leiterin des Staatlichen Schulamts, sagt auf Anfrage: „Unsere Lehrkräfte sind für das Rauchverbot – auch von Cannabis – sensibilisiert und achten auf die Einhaltung.“ Erhöhte Fallzahlen mit Verstößen gegen die Auflagen des Cannabisgesetzes seien dem Staatlichen Schulamt nicht bekannt.

Best of the best ideas for financing cannabis, selling cannabis at a schüler, has vertreter of new debts, robbed debts and the police of East Thesse together with a blow-up plan: “In the first case that is written, the debt burden will be reduced ine Elterninformatie erfolgt sowie die Polizei informiert wird”, according to VanCuylenburg.

Video: Consequences at Cannabis am Steuer

In diesem Kreis ergolgten konkrete, Fallspezifische, Absprachen zum weiteren Vorgehen (Überprüfen des Besitzes, Beschlagnahmung, Dokumentationen und Gespräche). A whole quantity of schüler das Mitführen of bis 25 Gramm Cannabis is used daily on the debt land. In the house of jewelry it can become verboten, that Cannabis in Schultaschen Mitgeführt Wird.

In Schools in the City you will be able to stay safe via the Hausordnung nicht, teilt die Stadt Fulda auf Anfrage mit. Dafür plays das Thema Suchtprävention und Schulen eine große Rolle. There is a Beratungslehrkräfte for such prevention. The schulpsychological analysis is characterized by the regularity of finding fortbildungen and service discussions.

Gesetz posits Staatsanwaltschaft vor Herausforderung

It seems that it is indisputable that the trade in cannabis countries is on the Schreibtische der Staatsanwaltschaft. Since 25 grams of cannabis legality is legal under the law, as 30 grams of criminal law are relevant, “we are less likely to fall away,” says Franziska Kraus, Chief Executive Officer of the State Government of Fulda.

For everything in the first time that the cannabis ink cartridges are marketed at the state prosecutor. Denn: “There must be a chance that the cannabis contaminations do not roll up. It must happen that the jewel is not punishable or is not”, so Kraus. Mittlerweile sees most cases of loss. Anyway, who fell out new, the state guarantee can no longer take place. Hessenweit must 190,000 Fälle neu geprüft werden.

These Bußgelder drohen bei Verstößen

On April 1st, cannabis purchases in Germany for adults will begin under the best legal conditions. At Verstößen drohen hohe Bußgelder:

  • 1,000 Euro Bußgeld drhen bei Cannabis-Konsum in der Gegenwart von Kindern and Jugendlichen. Wer an Schulen, Kitas, Kinderspielplätzen or in deren Sichtweite met een Joint erwischt wird, mos 500 Euro zahlen.
  • We provide more than 25 to 30 grams of cannabis for a living experience, which costs them 500 to 1,000 Euro bus money.
  • In der eigenen Wohnung the limit is between 50 and 60 grams, the Bußgeld costs 500 to 1,000 euros.
  • Wer Samen from the Nicht-EU-Ausland einführt, can be won with an amount of 30,000 Euro zur Kasse.
  • For the use of gold-plated cannabis in the form of a limit for the active substance THC. With 3.5 nanograms of THC or more on the way, the value is usually 500 euros of money and a sum of money. The new limit is an expert with an alcohol content of 0.2 per mille. Use a gold-plated recipe with a combination of cannabis and alcohol. At Verstößen you will receive a sum of money of 1,000 euros in the Rule. For pedestrians in the weijährigen Führerschein-Testzeit as well as for under 21 years the consumption of cannabis at the tax is taboo.