
Königsfeld: Zwei Tage bunts Treiben in Königsfeld

Königsfeld: Zwei Tage bunts Treiben in Königsfeld

Königsfeld – A three-day Veranstaltung lockt: On 14. and 15. September you will find a striking Großveranstaltung statt in Königsfeld with the Puppen- en Märchenfestival, the Kunsthandwerker Markt and the Einkaufswochenende with sales offenem Sonntag. Puppenspieler Olaf Jungmann said: “We will celebrate the Puppen- und Märchenfestival zum 11. Mal en zum vierten Mal in Königsfeld.” The Kunstlerische Leitung des Festivals lies with Olaf Jungmann, der Königsfeld in the right direction of the Erinnerung hat. A nice location is the Auftritte am Festival statt. It can be a “new march and theater performance that is children’s theater piece aufgeführt.”

Art is in the foreground

That year, Das Festival will feature a striking performance in the Straßentheater-Character, said Olaf Jungmann. It is possible that “technical and technical research is carried out, the art is in the foreground.” At 10 o’clock you will find the opening station in Samstag. Read more about Olaf Jungmann, since 16 artists have reported an event since. Financially, the Veranstaltung was raised by numerous regional sponsors, which amounted to 2650 Euro, reports Bürgermeister Link. “Your full game was played,” is what Jungmann said. Dieses ab der Eröffnung bis ends at 7 p.m.

In the conversation, Bürgermeister Fritz Link pointed out the rich culinary Angebot hin. “Four Food Trucks, one of the local gastronomy, provide the guests with my rich culinary cuisine.” A craftsmen’s market at 22 Aussteller is established. As a result, “lovely handicrafts, wooden articles, bleaching figures and natural stones have been produced”, so Link will read more. There are even more tips and tricks in finding a really good link. The market takes place in Samstag and Sonntag in the Zeit from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. statt. Am Samstagabend is big and small Fans zum Märchenabend from 19 Uhr ins Haus des Guests eingeladen. Ebenso finds Märchenwanderungen in Eichhörnchenwald statt. You can play and play children.

Children’s flea market in the program

As the centre of the region, the Gartenstraße and Friedrichstraße are the same as the historical Zinzendorfplatz as festival grounds. The little ones became a children’s market during the organised trade and commercial relations, which formed a religious war in the pre-war war. Furthermore, it is experienced by the mayor that the arrangement for Bummeln, combined with drinking coffee, ends. The all-encompassing world of marching and puppet shows offers an interesting representation of the representation thereof.

Chiara Kilguß complies with the Veranstaltungsleitung. If you leave the programs, the Parkplätze is ausgewiesen. You became a volunteer on the basis of a bracelet with a price of 1.50 euros for your money. Klaus Vollprecht, Vorsitzender vom Handels- en Gewerbeverein, says: “We have given a Mühe, the day to be shaped. During a radio program with a simple transmitter, the broadcast was carried out with the active operation of the respective hinges.

Participate in the festival

The Königsfelder Einzelhändler beet am 15. September from 12 Uhr to 17 Uhr a reichhaltiges Angebot an. In the Rathausstraße, on the Zinzendorfplatz and in the Kurpark, you will find the VdK Ortsverband Königsfeld, the DRK with the 112-Lotterie with the Black Forest Discgolf Beavers. The Bläserchor Königsfeld is lost. Provided various activities are carried out in the Rotwald-Deifel in the Königsfelder Geschehen. (wm)