
Feuerwehrfest – Bad Erlach: Feuerwehr Brunn an der Pitten in Partystimmung

Feuerwehrfest – Bad Erlach: Feuerwehr Brunn an der Pitten in Partystimmung

The death party of the Floriani from Brunn and the Pitten war in the fight against the Dorfgemeinschaft Brunn in verzeichnen. The Saturday works with the „1. Brunner Bobby-Car Race has started, but a war has started and the host family does not regret that nobody did that. On Sunday the Feuerwehr could start with the traditional Feldmesse during the festival “30 Years of Feuerwehrjugend”.

The sale can take place at a sold store in the store. “It is a mystery, the question of the politics of the surrounding forces is what they dare to do,” said Kommandant Sebastian Woldron.