
Top 5: It is the largest bird in the world

Top 5: It is the largest bird in the world

Egal, if they say through the air or shout at the ground: Birds are impressive animals. In the world of the venerated credits there are some gigantic numbers that have emerged during their great fascination. In this article you present the Top 5 of the best birds in the world and how art of the great destroyer of the animal kingdom is.

Famous Bird Art and Specialities at a Glance:

  • You can use the best quality of Haussperling, if possible Spatz. As a result of GEO wurden bisher 1,6 Millionen Spatzen weltweit gezählt.

  • The tallest Gartenvogel Deutschlands has died Aamsel. Laugh NABU ist der schwarz gefiederte Vogel voor allem für seinen characteristic Gesang bekannt.

  • You will see the prominent exotic birds Sittich. This has a different character and often originates from the fern regions in Australia and South America. It is possible to see during the processing activities whether you are in a humane obhut gewöhnt.

What about the mind? That’s the smallest bird in the world

The Bienenelfe is the smallest bird in the world. Nach Angaben vom SRF (Schweizer Radio und Fernsehen) the bird weighs 1.8 grams and is usually 6 centimeters large. The Bienenelfe, which can be regarded as Bienenkoliën, is not fascinating because of its small size, even if it is characterized by its beautiful appearance: the beautiful bird is often very beautiful. Typischerweise is Bienenelfen met Farben wie Grün, Blau, Türkis und Violett gefiedert.

Platz 5 der größten Vögel der Welt: Der Nandu

To the top of zählt der Nandu zu den Top 5 der grote Vögel der Welt. There is a gap in the airflow and can increase by 1.40 and 1.70 meters. Obwohl is Flügel besitzt, ist der Nandu nicht in der Lage zu fliegen. Dafür since its first flight is small. If the Glück and the Nordosten Deutschlands have a problem, a problem may arise when the Road is opened. Nach Angaben von I think this is a 20 year period and it is peculiar in South America.

  • Life expectancy: As a rule, Nandus was retired between the ages of 25 and 28.

  • Living space: In South America, they eat their Nandu in Grasebenen and stop themselves in their favorite areas. As a Herdentier, Nandus lives with 50 others.

  • To eat: To the top of NABU freshest that the Tier am dearest Together and Knospen. Jungvögel depends on the content and other little things.

Top 4: The best views of the world

A large amount of the nandu is the end-lapping casuar. Dieser Vogel comes from the Casuariidae family and grew to 170 Zentimeter gross. Laut is in the Rainforest of Neuguinea secret and for its shining blue Nacken- and Halsbereiche-bekannt. On the head there is a beautiful fort, which works in a raw machine. There can be no problem with running and running up to 50 km/h.

  • Living space: Dieser Vogel enjoys everything in Rainforest and Benachbarten Habitat types. Nach Angaben von make sure that the electrical supply to all river and coastal rain forests comes with strong underwuchs.

  • To eat: Hauptnahrungsmittel des Einklapkasuars since Früchte.

Siegertreppchen: Auf Platz 3 der grote Vögel der Welt ist der Emu

Smile belegt der Emu op de vlotd Platz der grote Vogels der Welt. Met een kleine maat van 180 cm en een Gewicht van 30 tot 45 kg is het alleen kunst van de familie van de Emus. Als je de bisherigen zwei Vogelkunst zien, dan naar de Emu van de Gattung van de Laufvögel en is niet in de lage vlucht.

  • Life expectancy: To the top of Können Emus bis 20 Jahre alt.

  • Living space: Seinen Lebensraum hat der Emu vor allem in Australien – Swiss Gräsern fühlt is ich pudelwohl.

  • To eat: Smile love the Emu for all Früchte, Beeren and Kräuter. Buying insects and smaller insects is a matter of course.

Top 2: Der Helmkasuar invests on the zweiten Platz

On the second floor of the great Bird of the World there is a head and a head running. Closely followed by Emu, who occupies the Helmkasuar den Zweiten Platz. Nach Angaben von Can make the helmet cassowary a 190 large zentimeter and reach a weight of 60 kg. The Helmet cassowary is the largest of the three Cassowary animals. When the helmet is marketed, the helmets are put on the head – this persistent structure is performed in adults.

  • Life expectancy: It is unclear what the change in a helmet is. Schätzungsweise became the animals between the two wolves and the new years alt.

  • Living space: Der Helmkasuar ist in Australien, Neuguinea und auf de umliegenden Inseln beheimatet.

  • To eat: Smile Ernähren sich Helmkasuare vor allem von Früchten, Pilzen und Tieren, met Insekten or Frösche.

Platz 1: Since the two largest birds of the world

Platz 1 der größten Vögel der Welt wird sich von zwei Candidates receive: Während der Wandering albatross of the Sieger under the Vögeln with the great Flugelspannweite ist, ist der African Strauss Record of the great bird of the world. Learn more about the planet and find out how the Wandering Albatross have a flight span of up to 3.6 meters and are able to fly over the ocean. A balanced Wanderalbatross is one kilo kilo.

  • Life expectancy: A wandering albatross can last for 60 years.

  • Living space: Wandering albatross has been common in southern Oceania around the Antarctic. Laut NABU if you are now a country for the Paarung and Jungenaufzucht.

  • To eat: South of the bird habitats with the large flugspannweite of the world, you will find all kinds of fishing and small lakes, which you can visit in the flug von der Meeresoberfläche. Tintenfische since the Lieblingsfutter of the Wanderalbatros.

This size can the African Strauss weit übertrumpfen: If a gigantic gigantic vote among the Laufvögeln is niece nur bis zu 135 Kilogramm, sonondern lies the great Eier der Welt. Nach Angaben von the men can up to 250 Centimeter large became and überragen damit those meisten Menschen.

  • Lebensraum and Dispersal: The Strauss is embodied in Africa south of the Sahara and inhabits savannas, wildernesses and semi-wilderness landscapes.

  • Master of the voyage: Since it’s not too big, it’s easy to get fast. Beim Laufen can be a Strauss a Geschwindigkeiten von bis 70 km/h erreichen.

  • To eat: Smile GEO is the great bird of the world and a vegetarian. Take care of the Speisekarte stehen Körner, Gräser, Blätter, Früchte und Steine.

About us: More facts about an exciting Tierrekorder erhalten Sie in unseren Articles about the lukewarmest Bird of the World, the worst Tier of the World and the 15 most tödlichsten Tiere of the World.