
Bill Kaulitz jeers vehemently in the German Großstadt

Bill Kaulitz jeers vehemently in the German Großstadt

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Bill Kaulitz, from the Frontmann of Tokio Hotel, expressed his Erlebnisse, who spent the summer in Germany. Sauberkeit and Smell were enthusiastic.

Los Angeles – No more messages have been received about Heimat Deutschland singer Bill Kaulitz (34). Manche Dinge spricht is een ehrlich een. These things often occur with tourists who believe in Great Britain, in the Wahl-Americans eenige ekelerregende that has occurred in the future.

Bill and Tom Kaulitz: Von Sachsen-Anhalt nach Kalifornien

“Tokyo Hotel” Frontman Bill Kaulitz and his Zwillingsbruder Tom spent more years in California in Los Angeles as a new Heimat fund. Their music activities and in Europe are continued and they are fragmented in the German Fernsehen, so that they both end up in Saxony-Anhalter when they are in Termine in Germany. If you like, they regularly comment in the podcast “Kaulitz Hills”, in the form of “Senf aus Hollywood” while you are in your Heimatland. For my visit to Christopher Street Day (CSD) in Cologne, Bill and Tom had traveled with my band collections to Cologne in July 2024.

With my pack: Bills new Hundedame Alfia, which has been on the news since February 2024. We would like to thank Bill Kaulitz for this hunderasse and a special review and criticism, but there are also fans who criticize it. Beim Gassigehen with the young dog in Cologne experienced the singer one of the themes, who lived in German major cities: “Wir wollten a green fläche suchen and was soll ich sagen – es war schwer, eine zu finden in der Kölner Innenstadt“, erklärte der 34 years in podcast. “If you clicked on Google Maps, Grünes was the most found, so you can’t wait anymore.”

“Von Kotze bis Rotze”: Bill Kaulitz said Unmut über deutsche Gehwege

Felt wiser if there was aber, everything on German roads lies. That’s what it says about the world: “That’s from Kotze bis Rotze, Sperm, Essen, Chickens, that’s everything on the Boden.” Remember that the Hündin Alfia das has everything in its place, that he “who has a Staubsauger is ” and “nur with the nose, it leaks all the way.” Didn’t notice the Schwager from top model Heidi Klum (51): “It’s rich in the streets with alcohol.” That’s not the case with the CSD order. and others will enjoy the festivities.

Before all the people with their Hundedame hats noticed
Before all the people with their Hundedame hats noticed “Tokio Hotel” frontman Bill Kaulitz (left), who is dirty in one of the German cities. The diskette is with Zwillingsbruder Tom. © IMAGO/Future Image and Instagram (Photo montage)

Vielmehr fiel Kaulitz auf, dass es et was Generelles an der Ausgehkultur in der Stadt sein könnte: „Die sitzen all, sind all am Saufen. The war has not started in Abend, the war glove is a Tag and everything that is in Trinken, paints is his beobachtung. Zum Geruch nach Alkohol is broader Zwillingsbruder Tom nur spöttisch: “Das gefällt mir auch gut.” The Rocker is then not positive, but not positive in the credibility of Domstadt am Rhein.

Obwohl Ex-“The Voice”-College Giovanni Zarella (46) den both Restaurant-Empfehlungen for ihren Köln-Besuch gegeben habe, hätte Bill Kaulitz das Gefühl, Giovanni Zarella meide ihn weiner Wettschulden. Spoiled sources: Podcast “Kaulitz Hills”,, Instagram