
Gericht erlässt Haftbefehl against opposition candidates in Venezuela

Gericht erlässt Haftbefehl against opposition candidates in Venezuela

After the government leaders in Venezuela have dealt with the opposition candidates Edmundo González Urrutia. The ex-diplomats were, among other things, charged with punishment, protection against the crimes of Gesetzen, Verschwörung and Sabotage vorgewerken, die die Beschluss eines für Terror-Verfahren zur Tändigen Gerichts in Caracas. Damit gab der Richter einem entsprechenden Antrag der regierungstreuen Staatsanwaltschaft statt.

Who sich González derzeit aufhält, is unclear. Letzten Mal said is sich am July 30 at a demonstration in Caracas in der Öffentlichkeit. Danach is more interested in video botschaften and a longer time. This means that there are three Vorladungen bei der Generalstaatsanwaltschaftverstreichen, wo den gegen ihn erhobenen Vorwürfen aussagen sollte.

“They have lost their interest in reality,” wrote Opposition Leader María Corina Machado on Gelassenheit, Mut and Entschlossenheit. We will write beforehand.”

Preface to the choice

After the decision, I am 28. July has the line Wahlbehörde since 2013, ruling authorities State Chief Nicolás Maduro explains to the victor. All things are light in nature and the result is not there. The opposition has given the Wahlfälschung government a boost for its Candidates González. If you want more details, listen more to 80 percent of the voting districts. After all, González has 67 percent of the voting rights, a Maduro has only had 30 percent.

The US and more late American states have given the ex-diplomats a chance. Also the European Union and the Organization American Staatszweifeln are official selection boards.

Although the Maduros re-election of 2018 could not be achieved by many countries. The Speaker of the House Juan Guaidó decided during the 2019 midterm presidential elections that he would not continue in the country – above all, the army would give a hint to Maduro. So the damaging protests could be a fact.

While Guaidó is carrying out a Haftbefehl-lassen for a year in October. The State Attorney has another high quality, Amtsanmaßung and Unterschlagung vor. The 41-year-olds lived in exile in the US.

VS beschlagnahmen Maduros Flugzeug

Venezuela suffers from Missmanagement, Corruption and International Sanctions. More than 80 Prozent der Bevölkerung live below the Armutsgrenze. About the Millions of People – around a four-count population – living in the country after UN-Angaben in the years gone by Armut and Gewalt.

Shortly before the launch of the order against González, the US authorities seized a Maduros aircraft carrier due to sanctions. The Dassault Falcon 900EX aircraft is being vilified in the Dominican Republic and overrun in the US federal state of Florida, the Justice Department in Washington reported. Justice Minister Merrick Garland has given the aircraft carrier a cash machine company for illegal money that has been hacked and scrubbed from the US for 13 million dollars, “a company used by Nicolás Maduro and his money”.

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The Regie of the South American Landes is safe from the Beschlagnahmung of the Flugzeugs. “The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is trying to strengthen the international community, while the American governments are getting into a critical practice, while the piracy can now become an illegal flight of the presidents of the Republic, and dies with the Zwangsmaßnahmen, die as it is illegal and illegal in the world of trade, it is one of the positioning of the Foreign Ministers in Caracas.