
Swiss Life with besserem initially Halbjahr | 03.09.24

Swiss Life with besserem initially Halbjahr | 03.09.24

In addition to the German letters that are kept up to date, it will not be the case that Zinsumfeld will have war. If you click on the “Swiss Life 2024” program, you will see the financial financing on the Kurs.

In the early years, Swiss life became a dominion of 632 million francs after 630 million for years. The completed Betriebsgewinn is a 6 Prozent auf 883 Millionen, wie der Finanzkonzern am Dienstag Mitteilte. Damit übertraf de Gruppe de Vorgaben der Analysten deutlich.

There will be an investigation into the financing of the financial markets. The direct anlageertrage is higher than 2.13 billion francs to 2.05 billion. And the non-annual recurring net numbers are perhaps even greater than 1.3 percent of the lies.

Swiss Life Asset Managers at Vormarsch

Konzernchef Matthias Aelligt said in the Mitteilung-zufrieden with these erreichten: “Wir konnten das Fee-Geschäft weiter ausbauen and the Fee-Ergebnis in Localizations on a 17 Prozent scaffolding, dies on the ground of the free enterprise at Swiss Life Asset Managers and Swiss Life France.”

Since the sale in the financial sector has started with financial means, the products of the Vorsorgeprodukten and the Vermögensverwaltung and with the specific costs that are charged, are charged. In Franken the fee is charged at 5 Percent on 1.26 Billion Francs and the very high costs at 15 Percent on 395 Millions.

Treiber in the Gebuhrengeschäft War der Bereich Swiss Life Asset Managers with an Ertragsanstieg a 15 Prozent and an Ergebnissteigerung of 30 Prozent. All things considered regarding the New Money Fluids from Drittkunden (TPAM) on 1.2 Billion Francs after 6.9 Francs in the first half year 2023 from.

I am a versicherungsgeschäft who can leave Swiss life. The broken gross prices returned a 2 Prozent auf 11.7 Billion Francs for, received from a light Wachstum in Home Market Switzerland. Die verwalteten Vermögen in Bereich met teilautonomen Vorsorgelösungen für Firmen stiegen as of the end of June weiter from 7.6 Billiarden Francs (VJ 7.1 Billion) an.

On Zielkurs

Swiss Life looks further ahead on the course, one of the strategy programs “Swiss Life 2024” sees “to achieve or to surpass”. The group’s equity is 17.8 percent, but it has been a year since the group took 10 and 12 percent.

A plan that the fees to Barmittel-Transfer of the operative company lies and the Holding zum Rückkauf eigener Aktien, who is more. In the event of a fee error, the amount under the corridor would have been estimated at 850 to 900 million francs. The normalization and the real estate markets in Germany and France were separated from each other.

A new three-year strategy program with new Mittelfristzielen will see Swiss Life propose an investment investor in December.

New Investment Manager

Swiss Life did not receive a personal message about the end of the half-year period. According to Erikson on April 1, 2025, the post of chief investment officer (CIO) of Stefan Mächler was transferred to the group management. Zudem with Erikson CEO of Swiss Life Asset Managers.

There has been at Swiss Life since 2007 and the Geschäftsleitung of Swiss Life Asset Managers since 2015. Mächler was retired at the end of May and was no longer included in projects and mandates of Swiss Life, the group wrote.


Zurich (awp)