
Proffee, Chiffee, Bulletproof – how about healthy hipster coffee?

Proffee, Chiffee, Bulletproof – how about healthy hipster coffee?

Kaffeeliebhaber aufgepasst: A new trend gettränk mischt die Szene auf. Ernährungswissenschaftler Uwe Knop has appeared, was a hint of the hyped Proffee-steckt.


Was it Profee and why is it so in Trend?

The Proffee” is a coffee-containing protein shake. Put the protein powder in the coffee – and make sure that the coffee wort consists of “protein” and “coffee”. Although a few years ago a creative coffee mix emerged that is a social media revival, we – who are all the superdrinks of the influencer – where “wonder powers” ​​occur, which will only be posted and praised a little bit.

What Superpower became Professional an poem?

Thank you for your Extraportion Protein directly in the morning, during the Sport of Musclewachstum zu fördern. Because energy is spent and the substance is converted into more energy, then Abnehmen could help him. But who is always gilded? Superfood Allergy Art equal parts: Knowing is not clear. If there are any major problems at all, it can happen that the “Wirksamkeit” is used or is used. Ergo. Anyway, the Kaffeedampf was not really tasty.

Proffee and Bulletproof Coffee – has a new “Coffee Mixtures with Heilkräften” emerged – and was it next in the bag?

It is a surprising amazement, who makes the creative discovery of exotic coffees: Neben Protein powder in the professional war that puts the butter in Bulletproof Coffee. Apparently generic these “Coffee mixes with herbeigedichten Heilkräften” order Views & Clicks. When the social media device was used – everything, it was the traffic that brought money. Vielleicht comes as nächstes der Chiffeein the orderly manner of Phytopowerfood Chili Mixed will be – then the inventor will be delighted: Only the heart-sick Influencer can move the ultra-sharpen Chiffee – and the next challenge: the Chiffee Challenge, the hotter, the healthier. When the research is complete, if a person drinks normal coffee, then all the study will have a positive positive experience.

Who knows what the details of the coffee house are?

It is a reformulation – it is a fact that we have more and more relationships, but no causalities, but all the statistics over the years look unanimously in one direction: Coffee is more skewed than a morning watchman now: From Diabetes to Depression to his Heart Diseases – Healthy studies are positive Enjoy your time with coffee and health .

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