
60,066 Euro for 19 Vereine im Kreis

60,066 Euro for 19 Vereine im Kreis

MTK News

60,066 Euro for 19 Vereine im Kreis

by Ilse Romahn

(03.09.2024) Culture, sports or Hilfsangebote – Ehrenamt Power our region life. A humane company is überall in the Main-Taunus-Kreis. Landrat Michael Cyriax, Stellvertretender Verwaltungsratsvorsitzender der Taunus Sparkasse, und Markus Franz, Mitglied des Vorstands, übergaben Spenden in Höhe von 60,066 Euro aus der Gemeinnützigen Stiftung der Taunus Sparkasse und der Stiftung lagen Kinder und 19 Vereine in Main-Taunus-Kreis.

60,066 Euro for 19 Vereine im Kreis

Vertreterinnen en Vertreter von 19 Vereinen aus dem Main-Taunus-Kreis were bij der Spendenübergabe.
Photo: Taunus Sparkasse


„The Main-Taunus-Kreis supports business and leisure activities. They are completely filled with food. Thank you for being involved in our region,” said Landrat Michael Cyriax at the round 45 ehrenamtlichen Vereinsvertreterinnen en -vertretern. Auch Markus Franz said that he was derived from the Vielfalt and Ehrenämtern: „Ohne Sie wäre unser Main-Taunus-Kreis nicht de lebenswerte Region, die we will know and lie. Your einsatz is not self-intelligible. Thank you!”

This Association is funded by the Gemeinnützigen Stiftung:
Ev. Thomasgemeinde Hofheim-Marxheim
Schon vom Eschborner Dreieck aus recognized by the Church in the “herausragende” Punkten in Marxheim. Die Spende unterstützt die Aufführung des Oratoriums “Elias” von Mendelssohn on November 17, 2024.

FC Germania Okriftel e. V. 1911
The club has a wholesome, communal experience for young and old. If you are in the foreground, the sports level is zero. The expenditure of the football group “Back in Life” is a new training training.

Flörsheimer Jesters Club 1962 eV
The Flörsheim Jester Club consists of more than 300 people, who are responsible for the care and support of the fast-living camps in Flörsheim. Publishing a new edition to the Gardetanzgruppe “Manco Mania”.

Förderverein der Main-Taunus-Schule, Hofheim
The Förderverein has founded the Musikfachschaft at the Organization and Finanzierung of Projects. It spends the rest of the Main-Taunus-Schule in a musical project „Babelsberg Berlin“.

Förderverein Taunusblickschule Hofheim-Wallau eV
The Förderverein, besthend aus Eltern and Lehrerkollegium der Taunusblickschule, unterstützt finanziell bei Projecten, die statliche Förderung übersteigen. The expenses come from the project house with a tanz project from the Taunusblickschule.

Society of Music Friends Bad Soden e. V.
The music association of Bad Soden am Taunus is a communal association with its own choir and orchestra. It performs five concerts at each performance time – including two guest concerts with my young, award-winning musicians. The expenses will be made during the financing of the anniversary concerts of 2024.

Krifteler Karneval-Klub e. V. (Brass and drum corps)
The Brass & Drum Corps Kriftel is a music group of the Krifteler Karneval Klub. Professional uniforms and marchers in the part of the appearance images, which is a Marching Bands oriented. Spend money on the German Meisterschaft and on the Europameisterschaft.

Cultural-historical journey Eppstein
The cultural trip consists of a platform for people, which is one of the cultural life forms in Eppstein that are active. The ergebnis of the fertile fruit species is a wide cultural culture. The expenses are made for the financing of the state funds on 12.05.2024.

Massenheimer Stöffsche eV
In 2017, the Verein voor de natuur started asking for a fee, there are other people who are working on it and their Pflege von Streuobstwiesen beiträgt. If Help der expenses can be a rasenmäher, a part of her own Achse Drehen will be completed.

Regional Diacony Hesse-Nassau Main-Taunus

The Diakonie has a hilarious person in the Main-Taunus-Kreis and a number of professional preventive workshops during. The publications come together with the Schwangerenberatung and the project ‘Sexual Pedagogy in the School’ zugute.

Schützengemeinschaft 1963 Münster/Ts. eV
The Schützengemeinschaft is a joint venture of young and old, all joy in shooting sports components. After a waterworks for a year on the cellar shooting stand under water. With the expenses were financed.

Sports district Main-Taunus eV
Since 75 years of experience in the sports community with a strong passion for sports. Ehrenamtliche Trainerinnen und Trainer stehen de Mitgliedern mit Rat en Tat op de pagina. The expenditure is being made for a new health care system.

Verschönerungsverein Schwalbach am Taunus eV
Other than that, the Verschönerungsverein Schwalbach am Taunus eV is responsible for the city image in Schwalbach due to art in open space. Beispiele since “Blau Miau” und “kleine König verliebt” van de Künstlerin Carin Grudda. The expenditure is made for a new sculpture by Reinhard Scherer.

VDI Rheingau Bezirksverein e. V.
See more than 160 years of power within the VDI eV for engineers and natural scientists. It is the VDI Bundesweit that is active at regional and local level in national associations and administrative associations. He spends the 13th. Experimental tag for children and young people.

Volksbildungsverein Hofheim e. V.
As part of the Volksbildungsvereins, the Jugendsinfonieorchester des Main-Taunus-Kreises has been running 60 Jugendliche Musikerinnen und Musiker since 2011. With these editions, the Arbeits phase and the Abschlusskonzert of the orchestras were unterstützt.

Volksternwarte Hofheim-Marxheim eV
The Sternwarte Hofheim offers “Astronomie zum Anfassen”. It quickly takes 50 years in the Bereich der Volksbildung aktiv. About 3,000 people in the year spent visiting the Sternwarte. The expenses are incurred for the repair of the Daches.

Wir für Bad Soden – Verein zur Förderung der Kur- und Wohnstadt eV
The association has been active for 50 years for urban education, nature and thought protection and youth projects. In those years you can see the association of the painting of the bank in the city area with the notruf number and coordinates of the position. Before this project is implemented, it is spent.

This association is funded by the Foundation KINDER LACHEN:
Caritasverband Main-Taunus e. V.
The Caritasverband bestht aus 30 sozialen Einrichtungen und Angeboten mit 250 Mitarbeitern. Zudem has been active since 400 Ehrenamtliche in den Verbänden. Das Projekt Hofheimer Kindercamps unterstützt benachteiligte Kinder in Sachen Bildung. This ends up in the expenses for Gute.

Verein der Freunde Rotarys Bad Soden – Königstein eV
The Society has been around since 1967 and has been around 70 active Mitglieder, who are regionally active. Die Spende kommt de “Deutschsommer” zugute. This summer course is intended for the integration and the image of the Grundlage for an incorrect debt career.