
Zeichen setzen – Demo voor sichere Radverbindung zur Shopping City Süd

Zeichen setzen – Demo voor sichere Radverbindung zur Shopping City Süd

Gemeinderat David Loretto, SPÖ, passionierter Radfahrer, lud zum bereits 5. For Guntramsdorfer Fahrraddemo: “An die 80 Personen radelten trotz drückender Hitze for a sichere Radweginfrastruktur an der B17 zur SCS”, Loretto stated at the Sunday fest. The Veranstaltung considers “consciously ever about the Community boundaries to be important”, concrete from the Organizer.

Those included Guntramsdorf’s Bürgermeister Robert Weber and Wiener Neudorf’s Vizebürgermeister Wolfgang Tomek, Gemeinderat Martin Hörtinger from Vösendorf, Radlobbyisten from Mödling and Liesing as well as Tobias Memminger, Stellvertretender Center Manager of Westfield Shopping City Süd, with dabei.

Lorettos Bilanz: “It is true that people are so motivated that a demo broadcast does not work, but that is the mirror that the Radweginfrastruktur is. The infrastructure structure is linked to the costs, because the interests of the community politics, the economy and the large part of the company are so great that the interests of the community police, the economy and the entire world of the company are uncomplicated and so are cher zur SCS zu gelangen, ist unübersehbar”.