
Series A | Neapels Osimhen vor Wechsel zu Galatasaray

Series A | Neapels Osimhen vor Wechsel zu Galatasaray

Neapels Fußballstar Victor Osimhen goes for a victory over Wechsel at Galatasaray. Entsprechende Verhandlungen über een Leihe des 25 Years alten Nigerian Nationalstürmers bestätigte der Traditionsclub aus Istanbul.

Man who played for one, said the sporting director of Neapels, Giovanni Manna, with the title “Tutto Napoli”.

Demnach soll Galatasaray das komplette Gehalt Osimhens von 10 Millionen Euro übernehmen. Moeglich ist der Wechsel, weil das Transferfenster in der Türkei first am September 13th.

A Osimhen hated SSC Neapel in the past days and weeks Wirbel disappointed. If there are more options, then from FC Chelsea, where the Stürmer is no longer in the cadre of Antonio Conte-trained teams.

Make sure the jersey number belongs to the club. In Istanbul, Mauro Icardi is the African Footballer of the Year, who has lost a longer playing time.