
School teacher: An example of a fourth-class teacher in a

School teacher: An example of a fourth-class teacher in a

This is a moment when Merten Eichert wants to leave the shipyard. Diesen Tag Anfang February 2021, a dem sich der Schulleiter thought: “That’s not possible.” The 51-year anniversary of the Corona test in schools. Personal damage, thought it. But der Vater einer Viertklässlerin said Eichert kurz thenach an. Der Vorwurf: Körperverletzung im Amt.

Eichert has been a Schulleiter and the Grundschule Nord in the Rhineland-Palatinate’s Schifferstadt since 2007. Davor leitete is a smaller Schule in Kaiserslautern for two years. If the entry lasts 15 years, is there a next time? When the police are informed, the war is shocked: “Ich fragte mich, warum ich das eigentlich mache.” It is the first war that Mal is, but that fragmentation is no longer as good as Mal.