
Railway technician: Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen understand new Lehrlinge

Railway technician: Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen understand new Lehrlinge

The Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen zählen zu den ührenden Ausbildungsbetrieben in österreichischen Seilbahnsektor. Nun dürfen ich Geschäftsführer Georg Bliem and his Team über new Lehrlinge freuen.

SCHLADMING. Anfang September we are new Sailing track technology lessons Your education has begun. Make sure that the plans are not interrupted, but that they can only be separated. Bereits im Frühjahr has been dying for years of a young lady in the professional track. A new Lehrlinge would have received a qualification qualification – a tip from the company that starts on individual business opportunities and Equal opportunities promoted.

A profession with a view to

The Seilbahntechnik-Lehre is a fact widths spectrum and outputs: von der Bedienung und Überprüfung der Seilbahnanlagen über die Wartung und Instandhaltung bis are professional Betreuung und Beratung der Gäste. The Lehrlinge is technical know-how in the areas of Hydraulics, Mechanics and Electrical Engineering and has a number of advanced Einblick in the areas of Bereiche Beschneiung, Pistenpflege and Schneemanagement.

Being a Seilbahn technician or Seilbahn technician requires a lot of work in Tätigkeitsfeld – in winter and summer. | Photo: MeinBezirk

While you learn this next Deal with sources – who is another kind of Abdecken of the Dachstein Glaciers with Fleece. Bei Excursionen zu führen de Restoren von Seilbahntechnologien as well as with the examination of other Ski areas are developed with a broad understanding of the Industry.

17 Learning units were activated

Of over 400 Mitarbeiterinnen and Mitarbeitern Since the Planai-Hochwurzen-Bahnen have been one of the largest Arbeitgeber in the Schladming-Dachstein region. Während ihrer Ausbildung became the Lehrlinge und verschiedenen Standorten, wie der Dachstein Shuttle Cable Car at 2,700 meters, from the Planai Zehner-Seilbahn and more facilities of the Gruppe, tätig sein. There are no foundation effects in the area unternehmenseigenen Lehrwerkstatt I have the Möglichkeit, and my sister internen Schulungen teilzunehmen.

When the Ausbildungszeit de Lehrlinge und verschiedenen Standorten, wie hier ben Dachstein, ist. | Photo: Prugger

“De Ausbildung junior Fachkräfte liest uns onders am Herzen. Deshalb unterstützen wir unsere Lehrlinge sowohl in der Praxis as well as in der Theorie. Regelmäßige Lerntage, which were jointly organized with the Ausbildern organisiert, helfen dabei, the theoretical knowledge zu putifen and the Teamgeist zu strengthened “, concrete Georg BliemChief of the Planai High-Wing Railways. A report was made within 17 days.

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