
Walldorf: Jürgen Müller verlässt SAP-Vorstand – Wirtschaft Regional

Walldorf: Jürgen Müller verlässt SAP-Vorstand – Wirtschaft Regional

Walldorf. (kla) Add an overview at SAP: Zum Ende des Monats verlässt Technology-Vorstand Jürgen Müller with Softwarekonzern, wie de Walldorfer am Dienstag Mitgeteilt haben. The opsicht and Müller function is one of the ways in which they can be separated, this is in the Mitteilung.

“Bei een vergangen Firmenveranstaltung kam es zu einem Ereignis, both ich mich unangemessen verhalten habe”, erklärte Müller demnach. “I am sorry, it is unbelievably bad that I am guilty of harm to all involved persons.” There can be no question of “that’s my story in this moment, but we don’t know what the SAP is wider.” There is a lot of responsibility and I think it is the best choice for internal life. “Dem Team wünsche ich weiterhin fell Erfolg.”

“Overview of SAP CEO Christian Klein the responsibility for the large part of the technology and innovation of the previous generation, the Müller leitet”, explained Pekka Ala-Pietilä, Chair of the Research Council of SAP SE, speaks out. The SAP Global Security & Cloud Compliance Team is located in the Supervisory Area Customer Services & Delivery under Thomas Saueressig Wechseln.

Zuletzt will use an etliche Wechsel in SAP-Vorstand. At the end of July, the first working day of the chef Julia White and the representative of Scott Russell in the marketing department came on August 31st.