
Study under: That is the healthy living environment of the world

Study under: That is the healthy living environment of the world

Broccoli, Fish, Nuts – if the product is produced, it is a fact that we can think of a healthy life. After an American study, this is not even in the Top 10 of the best snack remedies.

The work published in the fachmagazin ‘Preventing Chronic Disease’ is explained lightly and clearly, but most people can not gain more than 100 kilos. Darauf has based himself on the wisdom of a punktzahl.

Je hoher die Punktzahl, desto besser. In addition, mixed ingredients and fibers, potassium, protein, vitamin A, B12 and D were present.

The result: Real Spring cress He has won 100 points.

Verbraucher können Nährstoffbedarf decken

If you find more of the food remedies in the list, it is worth using the food-calorie ratio. “The evaluation can help the costs, if I the material spoil of cooking and the help, that of the covering”, explains Dr. Jennifer Di Noia in one of the Mitteilung.

Kresse is not nice Kresse

If you let go of a lot, a Kresse is kaufen, many things are longer. If the real Brunnenkresse acts, it is not so that the Gartenkresse the man can buy in small cardboard boxes in the supermarket.

Real Brunnenkresse-gibt is mainly concerned with sorting bioladen. If you take the trouble yourself, there is a small bachlauf that the Pflanze is probably no longer worth. Der Geschmack is a question of light with a light Senfnote.

Hinzu kommt, dass Kresse nicht gerade kalorienreich ist. Pro 100 Grammt once reaches eleven Kalorien. If you also want to spend some extra time with your deck, you should quickly add a kilo of Brunnenkresse essential – no problem.

Who else is delighted with this Autumn: An extra weighted, long-lasting range of benefits is important, especially with fresh substances and vitamins. There were other people who came to the Teller as Brunnenkresse.