
Staatsstraße between Möttingen and Ziswingen is closed

Staatsstraße between Möttingen and Ziswingen is closed

Autofahrer must do a new Baustelle adjustment in Ries. Wie das Staatliche Bauamt Augsburg miteilt, starting from Montag, 9. September, de Sanierung der Staatsstraße 2221 zwischen Möttingen und Ziswingen. The limits are exceeded once they are in the press. The Vollsperrung has become more Monate.

You will be able to see it in Mitte November 2024, so that you can enjoy it. The Staatsstraße 2221 is covered on a long distance of one kilometer through the Swiss mottings and ziswingen, clean and natural. “The soul of the construction work is as such, the safety as well as the quality of life is improved and the costs for the lower road in the coming years are senken”, writes Alexander Becker, Executive Director of the State Building of Augsburg. Derzeit sei die Fahrbahn emptylich fun Meter breit. Make sure you find yourself in one of the following situations. It is possible to complete the Fahrbahnverlauving no more than the Anforderungen in a Staatsstraße. In order to ensure that the traffic congestion is correct, the road will be extended at a distance of 6.5 metres.

Umleitung in Ries über Hohenaltheim

“None of the regular conforms to the road traffic network, so that the passage of the highways of the road in Teilbereichen, also the passage of time over the narrow radius of the traffic and the stabilization of the bank to improve traffic safety,” Becker explains further. The Fahrbahn would have to stop for a longer period of time with its sister. All the more the best bridge in Eierbach during a well-built bridge, which lasts a long time.

I have started building a new asphalt surface at a distance of 750 meters Saniert. The Freistaat Bayern is investing approximately 1.5 million euros in the Baumaßnahme. The Umleitung führt aus Richtung Nördlingen kommend von der Anschlussstelle B 25 Nördlingen Süd über Reimlingen und Hohenaltheim nach Mönchsdegdingen. Aus Direction Augsburg kommend der Verkehr bei Hoppingen von der B25 in Direction Schaffhausen and weiter nach Mönchsdeggingen gelitet. Both Umleitungen and in both Richtungen befahrbar. The Umleitung is based on the previous Spartenverlegungen (Wasserversorgung and Glasphaser) eingerichtet. (AZ)