
Schulstart im Südwesten: Lehrergewerkschaft fordert more Demokratiebildung an Schulen

Schulstart im Südwesten: Lehrergewerkschaft fordert more Demokratiebildung an Schulen

School Start in the Southwest
Lehrergewerkschaft fordert more Demokratiebildung an Schulen

Plädiert für more Demokratiebildung und Schulen: GEW-Landeschefin Monika Stein. Photo: Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

Plädiert für more Demokratiebildung und Schulen: GEW-Landeschefin Monika Stein. Photo

© Bernd Weißbrod/dpa

From the perspective of the GEW educational institution, more time is needed for democratic education in the southwest. If you inquire on the Tiktok platform, you will go to the GEW.

Before the new debt started in Baden-Württemberg, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) started paying more attention to the democracy bill and the debt. “The Demokratiebildung muss wirklich einer der absolut Schwerpunkte sein”, said Verbandschefin Monika Stein in Stuttgart. The Wahlergebnisse among the Landtagswahlen in Saxony and Thuringia says democracy in more serious Gefahr sei. “I’m happy and happy, that’s the way we live today, because we have more investment in our lives and our large power, that’s why we invest more in democracy,” Stein continues.

It is the fault of the Zeit für Demokratiebildung, as Stein. In the gym with the backbone of the G9, a Schwerpunkt is set up. A single Schwerpunkt demand is but in the other Schularten, Stein noted. “The democratic education of the Kita is the Grundschule that has found some of the best couples in all the new debts and has found much better sources.”

You can find a source of information on the social media platform Tiktok. Man suffered from a certain time at the Kultusministerium, the negotiations on a Kurzauswertung-anzubieten, had lost his life. There are many challenges, the teils-gefährdend seien, their laufe on the platform fell disinformation. Learning powers can not be used, but it is not possible to use the facets of the plattform.
