
Health: Initiative will abbauen Bürokratie in Krankenhäusern

Health: Initiative will abbauen Bürokratie in Krankenhäusern

Lower Saxony Health Minister Andreas Philippi (SPD), the Lower Saxony Hospital Society (NKG) and the Lower Saxony Medical Chamber (ÄKN) for the Bund Tempo at the Bürokratieabbau. “Herr Lauterbach, are you serious about the Bürokratieabbau in the Krankenhäusern!”, asks Philippi to the Minister of Federal Health. There are some wonderful descriptions of the treatment and the treatment of patients with good documentation, which are not worth any effort for the treatment of patients.

Three hours a day: The estimated number of nurses is 5,058 out of 14,110 (36 percent) and 10,920 out of 32,250 (33 percent) in the federal state. If the office is an enterprise that has performed a miracle, the size of the 1,700 staff in the ranking and about 4,000 staff in the vacant service can be reached, this is in a Mitteilung der Initiative.

Initiative: Weniger Bürokratie gleich more Zeit für Patients

“All documents and plant documentation and care obligations are required,” says Philippi. If you use sollten besthende and verfugbaar data, you can charge the Krankenhäuser with new benefits for tax. «In the days of the Fachkräftemangels können wir our eine Verschwendung von Arbeitskraft, which are urgently used in OP and am Krankenbett, not more leisten», said NKG-Verbandsdirector Helge Engelke hinzu.

Activating notifications and documentation is no longer a personal resource, which can increase the efficiency and demotivation of the Mitarbeitenden, thus moving the initiative further.

Lauterbach on the Zug

The Ball vassal to the Minister of Federal Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD): The old government office has made the reform of the Krankenhaus reforms active for the Bürokratisierungsgesetz, so that a new enterprise can be promoted. On the other side of the Klinik-Atlas, a state information portal for the German Krankenhäuser, is being looked at in a number of other ways.

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