
Irakischer Asylbewerber soll Hotelbetreiber erstochen haben

Irakischer Asylbewerber soll Hotelbetreiber erstochen haben

Der 61-Jährige wurde am Montag im Landkreis Hildesheim in der Nahe von Hannover ermordet. The police are faster than the more intensive Fahndung.

Trauer in Solingen after the Islamist Anschlag am 23. August.

Trauer in Solingen after the Islamist Anschlag am 23. August.

Guido Schiefer / Image

In the vicinity of Hannover is a 61-year-old man who will attack an Iraqi. When the offer acts, it is one of the hotels at the Sarstedt station, which serves as a refugee shelter. The 35-year-old Tatverdächtige has lived in this shelter.

If you know that the hotel stays in Streit were carried out and then taken by the Mann, it is the police who did this. The motivation is not possible. In the future of the tattoos a Messer would be financed. It is clear that the handle is from the Tatwaffe, but it is not clear.

The attack is a form of homage. After they have carried out an investigation and a supervisory chamber, the leaders can, at the instigation of the government, the police and the state bank, in one of the joint press conferences. There is a Montagabend that is busy for 21 hours and 15 hours with a small firm in Sarstedt of spezialkräften, fast and festive. The State Attorney’s Office has entered the investigation shaft. The Kleinstadt Sarstedt is located 20 kilometers south of Hannover entfernt.

More Islamist attack in Solingen

First, the Tagen had a Syrian asylum seeker at a city festival in Solingen, where people got to work with a Messer and eight weeks later could tell their story. The massive Täter was celebrated around 24 hours after the Tat.

The Federal Government has the power over the Islamic attack. If the reaction to the terrorist action of the Federal Government is a mass package, the US tax service will be taken over and more security risks will be taken. A day of deliberations of the representatives of the Ampelkoalition, Union and Federal States about the consequences of the attack of Solingen.