
Director of the Bayerischen Gedenkstättenstiftung fürchtet um Erinnerungskultur – Dachau

Director of the Bayerischen Gedenkstättenstiftung fürchtet um Erinnerungskultur – Dachau

Karl Freller, director of the Bayerische Gedenkstättenstiftung, is the Wahlerfolg of the right-wing extremist AfD. There is a German culture of remembrance.

During the Sunday Night, Karl Freller, the director of the Bavarian Memorial Foundation, said an Albtraum – and his three books have provided an explanation for it: AfD. “Imagine you are a right-wing extremist Minister of Culture,” says the CSU Landtagsabgeordnete following the trend of the right-wing extremist Party in Thuringia and Saxony. More than 30 voters in both federal states vote for the AfD. Freller is the Hiring on the Day than yet another German anzumerken. Whoever is the Thuringian College Jens-Christian Wagner, leader of the Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorial Foundation, will consider a political walking warning for a long time, while Freller sees the Memorial work in greater Gefahr.