
5-Spartenhaus starts in the new Spielzeit – News

5-Spartenhaus starts in the new Spielzeit – News

September 3, 2024

Puppenspieler Tobias Weishaupt _Nils Holgersson (Photo: Ronny Ristok)
Puppenspieler Tobias Weishaupt _Nils Holgersson (Photo: Ronny Ristok)

Die Theatertipps from September 6 to 8, 2024 in Gera and Altenburg

After the summer break, Das Theater Altenburg will begin presenting schauspiel, puppet and music theatre with dance premieres and concerts featuring a number of credible productions.

Konzert zum Tag des openen Denkmals

Already in those years you will find the “Tag des offenen Denkmals” an opening concert in the Brüderkirche Altenburg statt. The Philharmonic Orchestras Altenburg Gera as well as Franziska Weber and Johannes Pietzonka vom Musiktheater-Ensemble present at Friday, September 6 at 7:30 PM Highlights of the coming Spielzeit des Theaters Altenburg Gera. Kapellmeister Thomas Wicklein has been in charge of moderating the program. Part of the musical program is one of the best ways to listen to music in the Altenburger Land by the Landrat Uwe Melzer.

On a great adventure journey

Nils Holgersson tut, was all Jungs gerne tun. He thinks that it is difficult and that I liebsten die Animales auf dem Hof. If you get a present in Sweden with magic powers, it is not that everything has fallen. Nils himself would choose a little piece shrivelled and versteht plotzlich the language of the animals. Together with the toll-passing Gänserich Martin began with his such a wonderful, abenteuerliche journey.
I am Heizhaus Altenburg were the absent des daumengroßen Nils Holgersson von Puppenspieler Tobias Weishaupt am Samstag, on September 7 at 3:00 PM so i am Sunday, September 8 at 11:00 am on stage brought a fantastic fantasy inspiration for the future of the year.

Tag of crimes Baustelle im Theater Altenburg

See “Tag der Offenen Baustelle” in de Rahmen des Tages des Offenen Denkmals lädt das Theater Altenburg Gera ben Sunday September 8th in the Theater Altenburg ein. A diet You can be a guest in your room Führungen jeweils at 10:00 am and at 1:00 pm with René Prautsch, the technical director of the theaters, offers an overview of the Sanierungsfortschritte. The entry is free. A ticket is not erforderlich. Der Zugang performs in the adjacent Heizhaus. The Theater has told us that it is at the Führungen one of the Building Establishment trade and that there is no barrier-free and a Führungen now a beginning Persons teilnehmen kann.

Theater team gives Einblicke in Entstehungsprozess

That Play “Maria Stuart” I’m in love Sunday, September 15 at 6:00 PM in Theaterdorp Altenburg Premiere. Vorab reads the performance team for a matinee on Sunday, on September 8 at 11:00 am on the Bühne des Theaters Altenburg. Schausplayer Manuel Kressin, Stage and Costume Bildnerin Britta Lammers, Dramaturg André Hinderlich who see the Schauspielerinnen Marie-Luis Kießling and Ines Buchmann the Schauspieler Thomas C. Zinke and Jakob Spiegler, become Ausschnitten artistic and personal einblicke in the production promotion in the Werdegang des Stücks – of the Idea bis zur Umsetzung on the Stage – born. The end ride is free. The entrance takes place in the Seckendorffsche Palais in Altenburg.

Info and tickets and theatre box offices, by phone at 0365 8279105 (Gera) or 03447 585160 (Altenburg) see online at