
Insolventes Bocholter Unternehmen Effekt Grafik verkauft

Insolventes Bocholter Unternehmen Effekt Grafik verkauft

The Building of the Company Effect Graphics from the Air.
The company has a graphic effect in the Sitz on the Raiffeisenring in the industrial area. ©Sven Betz

Reading time

And in the end, the Geschäftsführung von Effekt Grafik an Antrag auf ein Solvenzverfahren beim Amtsgericht Münster gestellt. Am 1. August wurde das Verfahren eröffnet. It focuses on the Rechtsanwalt Markus Freitag of the überregionale tätigen Insolvenz- und Sanierungskanzlei Andres Partner zum Insolvenzverwalter bestelt. There is a war you can undertake if you want to end insolvency proceedings abroad. I plan to raise money for some investors who have found an investor. It deals with one of the Swiss Unternehmen HL Display, teilt the Anwaltskanzlei am Dienstag, 3. September, mit.

Location in Bocholt remains

All aspects of the Swedish environment are not complete, but without the associated lifestyle. This is the case: In the context of the transaction, 46 workplaces could be settled. The Geschäftsbereich soll in Bocholt bleiben. Michael Emming, the great Geschäftsführer of graphic design, would die for a while in Zusammenarbeit with Dietmar Leppert of the HL gehörenden Firma Werba Print & Display aus Bühl (Baden-Württembergf). Der Zukauf soll das Angebot von HL Show a large quantity of products in Germany and Zentraleuropa thereweitern anyway that Position as führender Anbieter of In-Store-Merchandising- and Kommunikationslösungen in Europe weiter stärken, heißt es in the Mitteilung more.

“I think there is a swashbuckling enterprise that an investor has financed, while the food retail business of the securities graphics in Bocholt has been magnified and viewed, that the world is a part of the HL-Tochter werba print & display langfristig weiterzuentwickeln is”, explains the Banking and Capital Markets Law Director Markus Freitag. There is a way in which the cooperation between the partners in the cooperation with each other works together with the team that delivers a strong performance.

24 Accusations

On May 24, there is still little progress with the Bocholter effect, it is not a component of the mortgage and the HL is most likely of the bankruptcy. If you are a non-food company that has other sports and fashion or option and schmuck trades, then the bocholter is one of the homepages that is in your portfolio.

1970 founded

Effective graphic work carried out in 1970. The Bocholter company has integrated one of the printers into a complete service provider of the advertising industry with display construction, digital printing, hard printing, plastics and advertising technology. You can use them at other Aldi, Edeka, Douglas and L’Oréal. 2010 Ulrich Legerski became the new managing director of effective graphics and oversees all business units. In July 2020, the journey of the Bocholter began and the long term of Karsten Bösing, Patrick Kays and Michael Emming. The trio also sold the business units.

In more than 70 countries

HL is a prosperous provider of in-store merchandising and communication solutions, which can help you, make a purchase for consumers and personal purchases. HL was founded in 1954 and is currently sold in more than 70 countries. The products of the companies are found in 330,000, and can be found, Builder’s use, Customers to inspire, Builder’s efficiency and Failure to reduce. HL’s three customer segments are the Food Retailer, Branded Item Suppliers and the Non-Food Retailer. The HL Display Group is based in Stockholm, Sweden, sales companies in 23 countries, which are responsible for 39 countries, as well as sales partners, which are active in other countries worldwide. They find production states in Sweden, Poland, Germany, Great Britain and China. You will find a Vielzahl of industrial processes at plastics and metal processing companies, printing and assembly. Das Unternehmen beschäftigt bound 1,300 Mitarbeiter. HL is a hundreds of thousands of members of the Swiss Unternehmensgruppe Ratos.