
Deutscher Urlauber (36) is leaving the Balkonsturz fast on the Zähne

Deutscher Urlauber (36) is leaving the Balkonsturz fast on the Zähne

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Deutscher Urlauber (36) is leaving the Balkonsturz fast on the Zähne
In Mallorca a man is gesturing from a balcony onto the zweiten Stock (Symbol image). © Oliver Weiken/EPA/dpa

One of the Playa de Palma is a dramatic event: A German tourist stürzte vom Balkon Seines Hotels and erlitt schwerste Verletzungen. Now we can see that an even more tragic Sturz is on the believable Urlaubsinsel.

Mallorca – A spectacular accident at the end of the day (September 1) in Playa de Palma on Mallorca. A 36-year-old German Urlauber-stürzte in Llucmajor vom Balkon eines Hotels en zog is erhebliche Verletzungen zu, wie die “Mallorca Newspaper” message set. Der Vorfall is a hotel on the Avenida Europa in the Llucmajor, Abschnitt der Playa de Palma, at 4:30 PM.

Tragischer Sturz: Deutscher Tourist schwer verletzt

If you are looking for a balcony with a small balcony, you can see the weight and field in the tiefe. Signals are controlled according to a Baum abgefangen, dennoch erlitt is schwerwiegende Verletzungen, darunter de fast vollständigen Verlust signal Zähne. This is the result of the loss of the hands, which is the result of „Mallorca Newspaper” reported. After the blessing is glazed, it may contain alcohol.

In a video, which works in the social networks, the fact is that the blutüberströmte Mann is viewed in the more rigid way. There are more people who are looking for a lie and a Krankenwagen who is confused.

Rückblick: Tragischer Todesfall een Elfjährigen

The Unfall was a tragic incident that started in Mallorca in July. An eleven year anniversary visit on July 22 in Port d’Alcúdia with stock and hotels. Trotz sofortiger Wiederbelebungsversuche verstarb das Mädchen. Laut „Diary of Mallorca Before you reach the balcony, you can find your family member at a height of 20 meters in the field concerned. The Guardia Civil has investigated the Fall. (mh)