
14-year-old school year after a day

14-year-old school year after a day

The Kripo Hanau is like that with high pressure on a 14-year-old student. Now the missing person has been discovered.

Die donnerstag, August 29, vermisste 14-Jährige ist wieder aufgetaucht. Sie wurde am Abend des 2. September 2024 was affected by the Schwesterwohlbehalten at the Hauptbahnhof in Hanau. This message is a message from the Frankfurter Polizei.

The fact that the young women who started their journey started after the war was reported missing. The Beamten schlossen nicht aus, dass sich dem Missing Schülerin Gemeinsam met ihrer Schwester in Frankfurt, Hanau, Aschaffenburg or Cottbus aufhalten könnte. Both can no longer be touched, so the fault can no longer be resolved.