
1. FC Cologne | Torhüter-Zoff? Schwäbe breeder spricht FC-Verantwortlichen

1. FC Cologne | Torhüter-Zoff? Schwäbe breeder spricht FC-Verantwortlichen

When a new club appears, Marvin Schwäbe focuses on the evil number of 1. FC Köln, in Schweigen.

It is sporty at 1. FC Köln, thanks to the siege against Eintracht Braunschweig and Schalke 04 with insgesamt 8:1 Toren. Abseits des Rasens dries nun alledings Zoff: Der zur Nummer zwei degradierte Marvin Schwäbe sorts with high-explosives Aussagen für Aufsehen.

During the summer of the year in which the concrete has become concrete, Schwäbe has found its way to the Wechselwunsch hinterland. Daraufhin is clearly interested, the Leih-Rückkehrer Jonas Urbig of the new Stammkeeper world. Schwäbe should be sold again and the Geißböcken bring in a Millionenblöse.

“Marvin is a fresh mitgeteilt, that is the Club verlassen möchte”, said Lizenzbereich-Leiter Thomas Kessler nor is a vergangen and Freitag erklärt and nachgeschoben: “That is more dartgestellt itself, as is that self-concerned.” Denn Schwäbe can play a new club as Urbig-Stellvertreter in the 2. Liga at the FC-Bank.

Bislang hatte der 29-Jährige seine komplizierte Situation schweigend hingenommen. Now most things are the case that the Verlustiging of the Stammplatz is as good as the Club – and sets the Dinge differently than the FC dar.

In an interview with the “Kicker” Schwäbe said: “I was a natural person, I was 1. FC Köln had a chance to be a Bundesliga player here. Dementenprechend was clear for me, that’s not the end of the matter: I’m a definitive person.” der Saison is then “of the history of history, that it is in the second half of the time and Jonas Urbig the number a bit”.

If the tribal watchman were to experience the “extremely bitter” conditions, “we would like to know the man and the Leistungsprinzip glaubt”, it would be a good idea to have a fair chance. “Nachdem a clear war, who the situation is, has found a wide alternative alternative”, ergänzt there. If the tower on the other side of the FC takes place: First of all, there will always be a new number, and there will be a new working environment.

“If a colleague or other has contacted – and only sporadically spoken. It is no longer the case that we have received a company. It is a verschiede gründe”, Schwäbe reported about his hereditary transfer fee, while the chance of that had been sucked. There is talk of “in certain reach new set – something my consulting situation changes”.

Zuletzt hatte der frühere Bayern Sports Director Christian Nerlinger and FC Goalkeeper left, now is Schwäbe zu Jörg Neblung zurückgekehrt. Dessen Kölner Agentur had the gebürtigen Hessen relations from 2014 to 2018. Schwäbe erhofft sich jetzt “new impulse”, a “that further progress could be made”.

It is not ausgeschlossen, that is the FC that nor in this summer verlässt: Unter Anderem in Österreich (bis 5. September), Belgium (6. September), der Schweiz (9. September), Griechenland (11. September) and der Turkei (September 13) has opened the Transfer Window again.