
Tips for Eltern and Kinder: Who of the Schulstart is the best child

Tips for Eltern and Kinder: Who of the Schulstart is the best child

Tips for preparing and troubleshooting

REGION ENNS. Ob Schuldbeginn or Schulwechsel: The beginning of a new life is a freudiges, over a number of uncertain Ereignis. What is it, the own, negative women, debt burdens are no longer of this nature. If you experience “the seriousness of life” or “in the debt of debt”, you can Eltern first give right to a treatise or a good thing. “Für die Erstklässler ist wichtig, dat sichliche and more positive Informationen bekommen, wie is in der Schule ablaufen wird. Man soll auch ansprechen, sss the first Schultag nur kurz wird and them kenlernen serve. Ideal ist es, die Ferien with a positive ritual: Etwa gemeinsam ein Eis zu gehen oder nor a schönen Ausflug zu machen, who know the Schulalltag bereits, it may be that the teaching material in the last weeks’ holidays is not tender, but even so, the learning outcomes are “said by Child and Youth Psychologist Doris Assinger of the Schulpsychologischen Beratungsstelle.

A fragment of the children’s orientation

“Children, die in the first class, can ask a man, who has the winter of the guilt and then fallen of corrigeren and ergänzen. It is so that there are new themes and the fragments of the children’s orientation and that ehrlich, sachlich and kindgerecht zu beantwoorden”, according to Psychologin. Who can do something about problems or debts? “You can not but remain unnoticed, because children often show symptoms with Bauchweh, Unwohlsein, Einschlafschwierigkeiten. Other children can contain different messages, they are burdened. In that autumn it is heavy, as the last time of the month Hmen, you have to have a feeling of guilt and when you fall into bed, you can leave the guilt psychologist and increase the costs and vertraulich of the temptation.

Because first class is very important, there is a lot of positive information available, which is in debt. | Photo: romrodinka/panthermedia
Child and youth psychology Doris Assinger showed up, the vacation with a positive experience. | Photo: Assinger


Geschäftsführer and Institute Harald Wolfslehner and WIFI-Kuratorin Doris Cuturi-Stern | Photo: WIFI


WIFI extension

Entfalten Sie Ihr Potenzial – with the new WIFI course program!

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