
Duales Studium in Handel – Justin Kabutke started at Kaufland by: From Student to Chef

Duales Studium in Handel – Justin Kabutke started at Kaufland by: From Student to Chef

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Duales Studium in Handel – Justin Kabutke started at Kaufland by: From Student to Chef
Bei Kaufland met Bergkamenhoed Justin Kabutke als Working student angefangen. Demnächst leitet der 23-Jährige een own Filiale. © Pinger, Sabine

Justin Kabutke has left the Lehramtsstudium, a loner during the start. Now we are sure that we would like to see a Kaufland branch. Seine Geschichte said that the Einzelhandel more zu bieten as perhaps thinking.

Beans – Sitting at the cash register, sorting fruit: Many people are looking for a job in individual trade. Radiating interest is worth doing all with young people. There are new opportunities to invest in the development of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK). If it drinks more, Justin Kabutke is stuck. The Beaner is a great choice for a career in electronic commerce and the Lehramtsstudium and the nail hung up. Gerade has closed his Duales Studium – as the best of his year.

Accountability for 100 pieces

At 23, Justin Kabutke said he had received a Kaufland branch for a year. Responsible for 100 employees. If you want to know what German is like, you better scan and sort. Recruits are naturally like that, as a working student. “I want to finance my study”, the young Bönener says. The education at the Marie-Curie-Gymnasium began in 2019 in a Lehramtsstudium in Münster. Mathematics and mathematics want to send Justin Kabutke to a gymnasium.

If you earn money, it is a matter of Kaufland and a job in the mountain ridges. The war for the football player of the toy association is not as easy as Mutter, including Uncle and Aunt in the other world.

Interest and involvement fragmented

It is possible that the work at the trade brings in more money, than now a random service. “It has made me relax. Of course it is one of the cobblestones, we have done things and in Backshop gebacken, but I dare to see other range hineinschnuppern, paints Justin Kabutke. Because the lower prices are one of the recycling or other internal processes, interests and their engagement war are everywhere. “I have then celebrated the party, if I am in the trade, then as a teacher I will now have only little.” “For a class is a man as a teacher alone, here ist man Part of a team. “

Work in the region, study in Heilbronn

And so “schmiss” is a dual start after the third semester of the Studium in Münster, a new Kaufland: Betriebswirtschaftslehre mit der Fachrichtung Handel.

If all goes well, it is regularly important to withdraw your money at the Kaufland branches and at the University of the Dualen Hochschule Baden-Württemberg (DHBW) in Heilbronn. “That’s a block system: two weeks of theory and then two weeks of practice again up to 14 weeks”, explains the Bachelor of Arts. The semester takes a long time before Justin Kabutke is finished, until the end of August when he has Abschluss in his bag.


The Kaufland Foundation & Co. KG regards Federal Republic 1487 Branches and there is in seven other countries digest. Insgesamt beschäftigt das Unternehmen, das zur Black Group heard, around 148,000 Employees. It is a challenge to have even more Angabe 30 double study days. It is possible to have Kaufland move in another country, including zum Verkäufer or zur Verkäuferin und are Einzelhandelskaufleuten. Für Abbiturienten is a gift The graduate program is easy to come by.

The Zeit in Heilbronn has probably fallen, who is the Arbeit in the Branches. “That DHBW buys in Kaufland. “I have three more dual students in Hamm know gelernt,” he said. If you are aware of the fact that you will encounter a study block. Inzwischen since die Vier Befreunde. In any case, it is important to know that the communication is different. “Man also gets to know other people, who almost lie on their way.”

Their student lives are spent at the work place every day. “First of all, I have a lot of experience with them, they are happy with the Azubis zum Einzelhandelskaufmann.” The fact that there was a bit of a Fachwissen-gesammelt was then one of the Uni weiter vertiefen konnte.

While the beans stayed in Germany, some blessings took advantage of the opportunity to complete an international semester, such as in Croatia, the US and New Zealand. Kaufland and another purchasing partner of the university are dual students. Justin Kabutke stayed in the love of home. “I have focused on the test.”

Career Opportunities in Business

With a gesamtnote von 1.8 schloss der 23-Jährige das Studium schließlich ab. After the official departure on August 30, things did not start well anymore. “With the Dualen Studium it is the Vorteil, which is one of the most recent changes that a major Führungsverantwortung is concerned with,” erklärt Verkaufsleiter Dennis Meyer. If the vast majority of Justin Kabutke a Hausleiter-Vertrag angeboten bekommen, met dem Ziel, nach een etwa sechsmonatigen Einarbeitung een Filiale zu leten.

Eingesetzt is “heimatnah”, also in the region. Der Betriebswirt hat aber jederzeit de Möglichkeit, in other Unternehmensbereiche zu gehen, etwa in Logistiek or an Aufgabe in der Zentrale in Neckarsulm zu übernehmen. “I have my first experience with food and eating food”, so the best.