
Italy and Eastern Europe Travel – Mega-Debattetfacht

Italy and Eastern Europe Travel – Mega-Debattetfacht

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The freedom of camping can become bare. The stricter rules in Europe are a challenge for camping enthusiasts.

Munich – For many, Camping offers the concept of travel with maximum freedom and flexibility. With a home during Europe’s holiday regions to go and sleep, the wound wants to be a belief, refreshing. Allerdings are often forgotten, in countries such as Austria, Italy or Croatia strict rules apply.

Wild camping entfacht Aufruhr in Italy and Österreich: “Nicht mehr tragbar”

Wildcamping also often includes illegal overnight stays with the Wohnmobil-abseits from camping sites or abandoned parking lots, never tendenziell zu. In Tyrol it is wise to leave the camping regulations. In South Tyrol a trip was made to another gangart, where the Wildcamping penalties in Italy could make the right choice. When a camper dies begauern, said other Verstandnis.

“Let’s face it, the Phänomen des Wildcampens in Einigen Talschaften Südtirols ein Ausmaß erreicht, welches nicht more tragbar ist”, says Manfred Pinzger kürzlich. The Präsident des Hotelier- und Gastwirteverbandes (HGV) has passed a strict period of the current Camper Regulations in South Tyrol. The message statistics lost on the Internet a Welle of responses at Campern and Urlaubern aus.

Wohnwagen on a meadow in Kastelruth in South Tyrol. (Symbol image)
Wohnwagen on a Wiese in Kastelruth in South Tyrol. (Symbol image) © Südtirolfoto/Imago

Verschärfte Regeln in Austria and Italy? Camper fürchtet selbstgemachtes Problem

“I think the rules will all change. See damage,” comments a Facebook Nutzer in the Group “Wohnmobil Tipps und Tricks” a comment from Merkur.deder the theme of exploring wild camping in South Tyrol. Der Nutzer said that jedoch Einsicht: „Vellelicht sind wir einfach fell zu vader. And zuviele, die sich daneben benehmen.“ Innerhalb kurzer Zeit is more than 120 reactions to the post. Mittlerweile ist der Kommentarbereich Sperrt.

A ground is that the opinion of the submitters about the sense of camping, when the absolute use is made of the aforementioned camping areas bare or stronger should be used: “Occasionally, a motorhome, at least for me, no sense more. For everything, if a man drives in southern states. Before this war, the inclusion of the camping sites is free of stones. Was it possible that the camping site was for a sin, or a man for a little money could have a room in a pension?“

“Einigen fehlt es jeglichem Anstand”: Camping Community suspects Schwarze Schafe für Regel-Wirbel

There are comments about the costs on the campsite: “If you pay a cost and war costs, you can use a holiday home/room”, think of a user. Obwohl is the Hotel room sold and not bought. There is never a problem with one’s own problem, it may be that there is a problem: “A problem is a problem and leads to the end of everything.”

Another camping friend says: “For my little discussion, now that Freisteher, die illegal sich irgendwo hinstellen, a selfish Ruhe or whoever is, Freiheit, zu genius, da hört der Spaß auf. Arrange things so that we can take care of everything.” A new Nutzer encourages this: “Everyone is grateful to them, because of the fact that they have good mobility, they can benefit from everything.”

Many reactions are close to the Tenor: Wildcamper is one of the most common reasons that all Campers must stop a strict rule. Give criticism of the tourist core and the Urlaubsregionen. „Soso… Manfred Pinzger, the President of the South Tyrolean Hoteliers- and Gastwirteverbandes… finds nothing with the whole Campern, which is stehen. Was bitte schön soll der anderes sagen?“

“A region completely undisturbed with scaffolding”: Manche representation Wild camping in Austria and Italy

The fact is that in South Tyrol or Tyrol it is not possible to play at Camping-Urlauber: “The generated area is one of the most popular activities with WoMo Stellplätzen. Diese sind nicht erwünscht. So that’s it. It’s been 20 years since we’ve lived in South Tyrol and the Alps. War was always so beautiful. For 40 years of Gardasee zum Surfen on nets Plätzen stooden – on a few high beams at a height of 2 meters.”

Manfred Pinzger hates the “50 reformatted camping sites” that were discovered in South Tyrol. There is no comment on the camping friends in German: No Camper is a fan of Campingplätzen. The Camper Club South Tyrol has been active in Rai News making it clear: “Was man braucht, sind Wohnmobilstellplatze, in other European countries weit verbreitet since and here for all of the ausländischen Campern aufgesucht become”. The Vereinigung schlägt voor, als een Beispiel een Ländern wie Deutschland, Niederlande oder Frankreich zu nehmen, wo Solche Stellplätze in kostenloser Zahl sind beiße.

But also in Germany provides the price for Camping-Urlaub for Unmut. If you no longer have to make costs for parking your home, you can use the best disk support.