
Engineering data management about Lebenszyklen with Hexagons Software Solutions

Engineering data management about Lebenszyklen with Hexagons Software Solutions

Engineering data management about Lebenszyklen with Hexagons Software Solutions

5 min reading time

Conversation of

‘Science for a better life’ is one of Bayer’s founding Leitbilder. Are there technologies and intelligent solutions that can translate this vision into reality?

(Image: Adobe Stock)

With its presence in 83 states and more than 160 years, Bayer is a major player in the Life Sciences sector. The company consists of three main business areas: Pharmaceuticals, Consumer Health and Crop Science. Bayer is convinced that the quality of the technology is high, which allows for a more efficient and effective team, tools and technical knowledge.

With Albert Becker, the project director for digitalization at Bayer, about Bayer’s Vergangenheit, Gegenwart and Zukunft. The more erfuhren, who has developed the external portfolio of Hexagon and much more, a number of important processes and activities in the data management in technology have been optimized and expanded.

Foundations for digitalization

Digitalization is the new era in the whole world. And that is the good Grund. The optimization of inheritance, refinement, nutzung, refinement and preparation is more effective. What has happened is that a new sector has emerged.

With the intricate complexity of the projects, you recognize that the owners and operators of industrial plants can bring new challenges. This complexity is great if the chance of backlash or scuttlestone increases, which can cause negative consequences. The digitalization of recent times, which offers obstacles to the overwind, compensates the legendary data for the teams, which are of fear, zugänglicher and zverlässiger macht.

By Bayer’s comment on Albert Becker, who has labeled one of the main programs of the digital digitalization programs of the Unternehmen, “the project abwicklung for the best solution”. It comes on the Bereitstellung of Engineering-Daten about the joint Lebenszyklus and. Albert Becker expresses: “We need to have better data processing to ensure that the teams are able to make quicker separations.” Das Ergebnis? There is no question of a quick divorce investigation, but one of the financed loans that your insgesamt kürzeren Projectabwicklungszeiten beitragen.

Hexagon, specialized in sensor and software technology

Geschäftliche Herausforderungen und Schwachstellen

Digitalization and improved data management play an important role in the advocacy of Obstacles, which a better Methodology in the right way. In the pharmaceutical sector, the quality control of one of the most important investments for Bayer is strengthened. It is all separated, that the internal systems are consistent and of high quality and make a major contribution to the development of projects, projects and war teams.

If you want to optimize the data on the gesamten Lebenszyklus der Anlage, Bayer must use the status of the best re-examinations, processes and technologies. If you get another turn, the work is getting better and the innovative technology helps you help the most important re-examinations of the future.

This theme has given Albert Becker the task of designing engineering data for the gesamten lebenszyklus that follows. “Use a Hexagon system especially for the technical design, with (Intergraph) Smart® 3D as an example and a supplementary module with integration of information from various sources. It creates an enormous amount of energy and a hilarious toolbox for our projects.”

It is possible that Bayer will connect with Teams and Tools. The project will be executed, the data will change and the stakeholders will be in an unclear situation, if they are not in the low world, the data will reach their usefulness, which will be their hereditary sin.

Partnership with Hexagon

Albert Becker said: “… here a Hexagon is sold as a first-class supplier.”

The art and complexity of Bayer’s activities in digital education provide a product and product development, which the world of life ermöglichen, daten optimal for nuts. There is talk of the use of information about the gain of knowledge about Arbeitsabläufe and Prozesse in Bayers Einrichtungen. During the analysis of the data that Bayer can recognize, we will be informed by other innovations, a bet about the next things that we have done.

At Hexagon-continue with the Leidenschaft, Unternehmen with der Software and the Systems, which are good, a right Zeitpunkt on the right Data to buy. You can help us improve the quality of your data. There is a problem with finding a separation and finding a fast project abwicklung. One of these solutions with Bayer support is that the Unternehmen SaaS-Lösung (Software as a Service) Asset Lifecycle Information Management (ALIM), HxGN SDx®, eingeführt.

HxGN SDx in action

With a click on the action and the execution of a einsatz of HxGN SDx at Bayer commenter Albert Becker, it is a “great loss for the dating management (ist).“ It is said: “Wir glauben, dass is auch unsere Anforderungen in Take care of the work involved and the dating bases for the communication process.”

Bayer has started to solve some standards as a document management system in the form of operating and installation activities. “There is a whole lot, our file information in the best quality of life,” says Albert Becker.

The information about the new state of affairs is another advantage of HxGN SDx. Teams are equipped with redundant data. Albert Becker has the power to notice this data about the functioning of the mountain and lung processes. “The improved data and the improved overarching and active information were saved a few times. The project processing can go much faster and the quality of the excessive information will come down.”

The Way Forward

Bayer assumes that the results of Hexagon Engineering will change in the future. With a click on the purchase of Bayer, the e-mail portfolios of information about the composite collection of articles with a product, a product, a presentation and a transparent internal arrangement of the information about the composition of teams and systems have delivered their work.

“On the new page of the thing,” says Albert Becker, “we have a system that allows us to integrate data into different project teams and further improve data management over the joint life cycle.”

Albert Becker said he had HxGN SDx for Bayer’s next step, Central Signal Wird. “You can start implementing HxGN SDx and start some project-specific configurations, which will be done in the next phase.”

You can find a way to process data and work autonomously. If you start another company, you will go on a journey with the digital transformation or you can do the best digitalization activities that will last even further. Data optimization and transparency are the key to safe, efficient and cost/time-saving operating procedures. Optimal data management strategies became a driving force in the greater synergy between teams, tools and work tasks in the learning task of analysis.