
Dürr warning for Koalitionsbruch –

Dürr warning for Koalitionsbruch –

Berlin (dts Nachrichtenagentur) – FDP faction chief Christian Dürr warned of a bruch der Ampelkoalition. “Eine Regierung ist für vier Jahre gewählt”, said Dürr the Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe (Mittwochausgaben). “If a bitter taste arises and it is the stehlen’s responsibility, this is not an option for the FDP.”

“I am at the mercy of the fact that the AfD wants: to abolish Instabile Verhältnisse, to ensure Unsafety – then that is ihr Nährboden.”

The Coalition can no longer operate on its own resources, but there is a good chance that the job will last longer. “The people of us discovered that.”

It is the Bundestag vote that leads the Ampel to more Wachstum solutions and a “basic new order of German migration policy”. The FDP was “naturally” with the party and Finance Minister Christian Lindner as the leading candidate in the next Bundestag vote. “Christian Lindner has a great chance to help major reparations and fragile workers in the Bundestag – with swooning achievements”, it said.

“As a minister there is financial stability. Ohne ihn wäre die Schuldenbremse longest Geschichte.”

Christian Dürr (Archive), über dts Nachrichtenagentur
Photo: Christian Dürr (Archive), über dts Nachrichtenagentur