
Sänger Ahren Stringer gibt Update zu Bandzukunft en Gesundheit

Sänger Ahren Stringer gibt Update zu Bandzukunft en Gesundheit

Singer and bassist Ahren Stringer of the band The Amity Affliction will be celebrating a big win and announcement at the end of May 2024 during the group’s North American tour. For the group, they are dying from heaven. If you make a statement about an Australian trip, there is a healthy problem, causing problems, and that help is in the hole.

Free choice of the singer makes an explanation:

“I know you’ve all been waiting and wondering what the future of the band will look like and how I’m doing. First of all, I want to express my sincere gratitude for your unwavering support and kind words of encouragement. I’m so proud to share that I’m happy, sober and thriving!

As for plans with The Amity Affliction, I will definitely be performing at the Big Pineapple Music Festival and on the upcoming Australian tour. However, after these shows I will be taking a much needed annual break from the band until 2025 so I can focus on my personal growth, my future with the band and spending more time with the people I love!

Rest assured, The Amity Affliction has my full support to continue touring in my absence. Jonathan Reeves will be my replacement and I have every confidence that he will do an incredible job for you all!

Thank you very much for your understanding and support.

I can’t wait to see you all and give you the best Amity shows we’ve ever played! Your energy and support means the world to me and I can’t wait to share this experience with you!

With love,
Ahren x”