
Bayischer Advemt – Flusskreuzfahrt

Bayischer Advemt – Flusskreuzfahrt

Advent celebration on the Donau – from Wien nach Linz, Passau and Regensburg

The beautiful Christmas market with Flug ab Altenrhein and Flusskreuzfahrt

Nuremberg Christmas Market

Nuremberg Christmas Market

Image: Shutterstock

“Bavarian Advent”

Enjoy a wonderful winter holiday on the Danube with your Tagblatt and High Life Travel on the beautiful Christmas markets of Austria and Germany – and enjoy your visit with flights from St. Gallen to the Altenrhein – including the free program!

The world is at the Weichnachtsmarkt in Nuremberg, but at the Advent markets in Vienna, Linz, Passau and Regensburg there is nothing left. The blue Band of the Danube connects the charming cities of the Netherlands. When the funky lighter all winter brands are displayed in a different light, the atmosphere in the city center is full of excitement. Schippern Sie with unserer Flusskreuzfahrt gemächlich entlang der Donau and entdecken Sie fine Kunsthandwerk and weihnachtliche Köstlichkeiten on den Marken!

Ihr Schiff, die MS Nestroy****
The MS Nestroy**** comes under the flag of Schweizer and of the shipping company «SCI-Swiss Cruises International AG». On a length of 125 m and a width of 11.45 m there are four decks. If you find the Grillparzerdeck, follow the Schillerdeck, the Goethedeck and the schliessliche Sonnendeck all the way up. The large gestaltetete MS Nestroy has a great Empfangsbereich with reception, souvenir shop, a tastefully decorated restaurant with panoramic view, so who a cozy panorama bar with lounge. Interesting forms of music and music are played regularly. A panorama fitness center, an area for wellness massages via WLAN (in the reach, je nach Empfang) is brought to the Ausstattung.

MS Nestroy****

MS Nestroy****



1. Tag: Los Geht’s!
Check-in up to 45 minutes before departure at the Altenrhein airport. Free airport parking. Flight with people to Vienna. After boarding the flight to Vienna, you can book a trip and travel by bus. Follow a city trip in Vienna. Entry into Vienna/Nussdorf by noon. Until the cabin departure you can relax on a deck. If the night continues, it is a matter of flowing through and the Schiffpassive to the Wachau in the direction of Germany.

2. Tag: Passau
Form tags are erwartet Sie schon das nächste landschaftliche Highlight Ihrer Reise – de Schlögener Schlinge. With a double view of the Danube through the green forests that comprise the upper Donautals. Nach dem Mittagessen has the time of the Bayerische Grenzstadt Passau including the charming Advent market on its own Faust zu erkunden.

3. Label: Regensburg – Nuremberg
Tomorrow we will arrive in Regensburg. If you are here, go to the road in Nürnberg or in Regensburg. In both cases there is an informative city tour of the light of the Christkindlesmarkets of the jewel city. The «Städtlein aus Holz en Tuch» and the very exciting Duft nach Zimt and Lebkuchen quickly become lonely. Here you will find all kinds of special support.

4. Tag: Linz
The best label is that you are a vorbeiziehen at Ihrem Lieblingsgetränk in the Panoramabar and the landscape. Nachmittags machen Sie in der upper Austrian Landeshauptstadt fest and können de Tag bij Punsch en Glühwein auf dem Linzer Christkindlmarkt ausklingen lassen. Während dem Abendessen verlässt de MS Nestroy Linz flussabwärts weiter Richtung Wien.

5. Tag: Vienna – Back
When you check out at your Kabinet, you can still relax your board (no bar service with the guests), but watch your travel broadcast as one of the new Nussdorf members in Empfang nimmt. If you are concerned with the MS Nestroy and the community that is in the city center, it is a city pasziergang in Vienna in the Advent season that spends the right time. At 15:30 Uhr you were brought back to the airport in Accompaniment of our travel itinerary. Departure to Altenrhein at 18:00 hrs. Arrival in Altenrhein at 19:00 hrs.

• Category R –> Father 1’399.- assigned Fr. 1’549.-
• Category B –> Father 1’470.- assigned Fr. 1’620.-
• Category C –> Father 1’655.- assigned Fr. 1’805.-
• Category D –> Father 1’709.- assigned Fr. 1’859.-
• Category E –> Father 1’982.- assigned Fr. 2’132.-
• Category F –> Father 2’036.- assigned Fr. 2’186.-

Travel date
• Montag, December 2, 2024 – Freitag, December 6, 2024

Included in the price
• Hin- und Rückflug ab/bis Altenrhein mit People’s
• Flughafentaxen en Securitygebühren
• Flughafen-Parkplatz in Altenrhein
• 1 package up to max. 20 kg + 8 kg Hand packaging
• guide Bus transfer ab/bis Flughafen-Schiff-Flughafen
• Panorama city route
• 5 Tage Flusskreuzfahrt und Bord der MS Nestroy****
• 4 nights in the Gebuchten Kabine
• Full board and board (excl. Getränke) starting with Abendessen am
1. Tag (1x Gala Evening)
• Tägliches Entertainment an Bord (zB Live-Musik in der Bar, Crew-Show)
• Packaging service on board (Anlegestelle-Kabine)
• Ausflug Nürnberg with Weihnachtsmarkt or Ausflug Regensburg with Weihnachtsmarkt
• Vienna city center
• Deutschsprachige, fouthrene Bordreiseleitung
• Kundengeldabsicherung gemäss PRV

Advice and Booking
Die Reise können Sie mit der Angabe des Promotiecode «abo+ card» Book directly at Reisebüro.